“Russia is a Black Sea country and it is waging a war. For the time being the military exercise inside Bulgaria’s economic zone, announced by Moscow, is not a problem for the transport corridors but it will become a problem if we want to send a ship..
As long as there is dialogue, reason and a decision-making mechanism, the government will endure, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel told BNR. She stressed that the decision to support Ukraine is a civilisational choice and as a..
The designation of temporary warning zone in the Black Sea is usually done for a few days - while the military exercise lasts. More worryingly, Russia's 10-day notification period expired on July 28 and was extended by another 10 days for part of..
The Russian Federation has released a public notification designating a temporary warning zone in the Black Sea in connection with the conduct of military exercises. The zone includes parts of Bulgaria's exclusive economic zone, the Bulgarian Defence..
With a parliamentary declaration, the ruling coalition We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB) are insisting that Russian ambassador Eleonora Mitrofanova be summoned to the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry to explain whether Moscow stands by the..
The Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria considers as categorically unacceptable the statements of individual representatives of political parties in Bulgaria against the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine , the diplomatic mission said in..
Russia’s ambassador to Bulgaria Eleonora Mitforanova will not be declared persona non grata over an outrageous statement by Pyotr Tolstoy, deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma that the Black Sea was Russian and Russia had to take control of..
The Bulgarian Parliament has decided to provide Ukraine with old armored transport equipment with its armament and spare parts from the Ministry of the Interior, BNT reported. The MPs who proposed this claim that the combat capabilities of the army..
Giorgos Gerapetritis: Political dialogue, a positive cooperation agenda and confidence building measures are the three pillars for a rapprochement between Turkey and Greece Political dialogue, a positive cooperation agenda on specific issues and..
“We are submitting a proposal for putting an end to Lukoil ’s concession of Port Rosenets,” We Continue the Change (PP) co-chair Kiril Petkov told reporters in parliament. “I have always had doubts what kind of control there is at this..