Inflation will accelerate to 4.5% by the end of the year, the Ministry of Finance forecasts in its updated autumn assessment of the Bulgarian economy. The average annual price rise will be 2.4%. The main factor for inflation is the significant rise..
In September, a three-member household in Bulgaria needed EUR 1,015 to live a normal life, the Institute for Social and Trade Union Research with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria announced. Single-person households need EUR..
The Bulgarian National Bank, BNB, has lowered the macroeconomic GDP growth outlook by 0.2%, and believes that by the end of 2021 it will be 3.9%. “In view of the postponement of the implementation of nationally-financed infrastructure..
The prices of goods and services in Bulgaria have started to go up. This is after a threefold increase in natural gas prices since the beginning of the year and an increase in heating and electricity prices in mid-summer. Globally,..
The minimum monthly salary is expected to increase. Currently, we are working on different scenarios for a higher minimum salary, Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Labor and Social Policy Galab Donev said for Nova TV. Galab Donev said he..
A minimum monthly salary of 388 euro as of 1 January, 2022. This is what the biggest trade union in the country, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) is demanding. The increase from the current minimum monthly..
Annual inflation in August accelerated to its highest level since February last year mainly due to higher fuel and food prices, according to data from the National Statistical Institute. The annual growth of consumer prices in..
Against the background of the growing prices, the inflation expectations in this country are not worrying, as yet, Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund stated at the Career Hive international forum. In..
The rise in the price of electricity and fuels has led to rising food prices. Gasoline and diesel prices have been the highest since the beginning of the pandemic and are likely to continue to affect the chain, CITUB economist Lyuben..
Inflation for the first 7 months of 2021 reached 2.3% and annual inflation in July 2021 compared to July 2020 was 3.0%. This is shown by data of the National Statistical Institute. The prices for entertainment and culture events rose..