Over 150 military personnel from the UK will join the Bulgarian task force. We are also having talks with Italy, but the task force will be under Bulgarian command, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said in Brussels ahead of the meeting of the European..
A diplomatic response will probably follow the statement made by Russia’s ambassador to this country Eleonora Mitrofanova who said, in an interview with a Russian TV channel, that the Bulgarian people does not support the rhetoric and the actions of..
On the 100th day of his inauguration, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov addressed the Bulgarian citizens. "On the day we swore in, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission proposed a huge increase in the price of gas and electricity, and electricity prices..
All persons questioned by the investigating officers in connection with the case against ex-PM Boyko Borissov, his PR officer Sevdelina Arnaudova and former Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov will now also be interrogated by an investigator, the..
Prime Minister Kiril Petkov assured the representatives of the European Parliament and the European Commission that Bulgaria would do its outmost, via legislative amendments, to ensure that the European Public Prosecutor's Office functions smoothly on..
Bulgaria is one of two European countries that do not provide military assistance to Ukraine, said Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov. According to him, such a decision is not in the power of the government, but of the parliament. The prime..
The interconnector with Greece near Komotini is expected to be completed by the end of June and the Azeri gas to flow through it to Bulgaria in September , Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who inspected the gas route today, said. According to PM..
GERB opposition party has requested a hearing of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov in parliament over the proposal by Deputy Prime Minister Korneliya Ninova for force majeure to be declared in all intercompany contracts because of the war in..
The European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kovesi is arriving in Bulgaria today at the invitation of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov. The two will discuss the government's priorities for fighting corruption and judicial reform, as well as co-operation between the..
"MiG-29 fighters cannot be repaired in Russia and it is a ludicrous idea to send the machines there through some secondary companies," Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who inspected the Ruse border checkpoint for the initial reception of refugees from..