In the space of 10 years the population of Bulgaria has dwindled by 590,000 people. At the same time the number of poor pensioners has gone up by 128,000, and of poor children – by more than 17 , 000 , Ivan Krastev, Deputy Minister of..
The National Census 2021 has finished. The campaign covered 82% of the population or 5,657,000 people, Sergei Tsvetarski, director of the National Statistical Institute – NSI, said. More than 2.4 million Bulgarians took part in the..
The deadline for the electronic population census expires on September 30, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) reports . The number of those counted electronically is already over 2,290,000, Sergei Tsvetarski, head of the NSI, told the BNR. About..
Bulgaria’s caretaker cabinet has extended the deadline of the electronic census until the end of September. So far, 1 million people have already taken part in it. According to Sergei Tsvetarski, head of the National Statistical..
Only three regional cities - Sofia, Plovdiv and Kardzhali, out of a total of 28 have increased their population in the last 10 years , BTA reports. According to the National Statistical Institute, the number of inhabitants has increased in 23 more..
The set reforms and priorities in the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability will contribute to achieving a better economic situation in the country. This was stated by the caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Yanev at the beginning of today's..
Northwestern Bulgaria, the southeastern area of Strandzha-Sakar, the western region of Kraishte and the Central Stara Planina are turning into "demographic deserts," Assoc. Prof. Nadezhda Ilieva of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has told the..
Bulgaria is among the 9 countries of the EU where the population in rural and in urban areas is expected to decline by 2050, Eurostat data show. The urban population of Bulgaria is expected to shrink by 1.4% by 2050, the shrinkage being most..
At the end of 2020, the population of Bulgaria was estimated at 6.9 million people. This is a decrease of 2.1 million people, or 23% compared to 1990. During this period, Sofia was the only city that increased its population from 1.12 million..
Rising mortality and deepening population aging process are the leading trends in the demographic picture in Bulgaria , according to data of the National Statistical Institute. As of December 31, 2020, the population of Bulgaria was 6,916,548 people,..