The Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association has presented its annual awards for professional achievements in the field of tourism, in which it also distinguished the work of Swiss Elizabeth Bleecker in promoting Bulgaria as a tourist destination in..
The Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) presented its annual awards for professional achievements in the field of tourism. The Bulgarian National Television (BNT), the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) and the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA)..
Bulgaria needs to solve the landslide problems, repair the roads to its resorts and build parking lots before the beginning of the summer tourist season, alarmed the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association. The association has prepared a document..
Since March 22, Bulgaria is in the third lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic. The "Closed" sign can once again be seen on the doors of hundreds of companies. How will this affect Bulgarian businesses? According to Adrian Nikolov..
Hotels have reported 80% decline in their turnovers in 2020, Borislav Hadjiev from the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association said for BTV. In his words, so far the hotel business has not felt real help from the state. The industry has benefited..
Tourism-related sectors are uniting in one organization in order to communicate more effectively with the government and withstand the Covid-19 crisis, the idea of the newly-established Confederation of Bulgarian Tourism Business reads. According..
The free platform, created to help the tourism business in this country started operating on June 1. Created on the initiative of a large retail chain, behind the idea stand the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) and representatives of the..
The value added tax for restaurants and entertainment establishments in the tourism sector will be reduced to 9% from this summer to the end of 2021. The agreement was reached between Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov, the Association of Restaurants in..