In 2024, the National History Museum sent expeditions to 22 archaeological sites. More than 1,400 artifacts were found during the season spanning the period from prehistoric times down to the Middle Ages. The most significant of these discoveries are..
Above the town of Peshtera in southern Bulgaria is the hill of Sveta Petka. It was once a fortress and its name - Peristera - means "pigeon" in Greek. It is believed that the name comes from one of the huge rocks in the citadel of the fortress, which..
On this day, 90 years ago, the dedication of the Freedom Monument on Mount Shipka took place. It was erected in memory of the fallen heroes of the defended place during the Battle of Shipka, around which the decisive battles for the Russo-Turkish War..
On the road leading from Sofia to Samokov upstream the Iskar River near the big picturesque bend between the former villages of Kokalyane and Pasarel at the Devil's Bridge is the Srednoberdie Ridge. There the Vedena River flows into the Iskar and the..
An innovative museum site opens its doors in the military cemetery near Tutrakan. The "Tutrakan Epopee - 1916" memorial is situated in a new museum-exhibition building. It includes a number of new technologies that immerse the visitor..
Momchilgrad municipality released unique footage a few days ago which went viral on social media. The video, shot using a drone, offers a bird’s eye view of the mysterious medieval fortress Asara in the region of the village of Ralitsa in the..
After nearly half a century of hiatus, this archaeological season saw the resumption of archaeological work at the Roman fortress of Castra Martis in the center of the northwestern Bulgarian town of Kula. This is the third largest..
Despite the short time for excavations and insufficient funding, the completed Archаeology Season 2022 has turned out to be extremely successful. According to reports from Bulgaria’s National History Museum , the discoveries made, covering almost..
Scientists from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore with an Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have visited and studied dozens of places in Turkey, Greece, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Albania, Russia, Italy,..
In Bulgaria’s cultural and historical calendar 26 March is the day of Thrace. Since 1914 it has been marked in memory of the soldiers killed near Edirne in the fields of Thrace, as well as of the tragedy of the thousands of Thracian refugees..