On the 143 rd birth anniversary of foremost Bulgarian painter Vladimir Dimitrov-the Master, an award ceremony will take place at the art gallery in the town of Kyustendil, at which the national prize for painting for 2024 will be awarded...
Hoy, en honor al 143º aniversario del nacimiento de Vladimir Dimitrov - el Maestro, en un ambiente festivo, la Galería de Arte de la Ciudad de Kyustendil entregará el Premio Nacional de Pintura para 2024 que lleva el nombre del famoso pintor...
Las exposiciones "Chergui de Kraishteto" y "La vestimenta en Kraishteto desde principios del siglo XX", junto con un bazar de artesanías y productos agrícolas, un concurso al mejor aguardiente casero y un variado programa musical, forman parte de la..
In the middle of August in Kyustendil, Southwestern Bulgaria, the "Panagia - Raising of the Bread" holiday takes place. The holiday is directly related to the church holiday "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary", marked on August..
„Zidurile care ne leagă” este motto-ul la care tinerii artiști din Kyustendil reflectează în timp ce pictează pe fațadele clădirilor și caselor din Bosilegrad (Serbia).În ultimii 2 ani, elevii de la Școala Noii Maeșteri au implementat cu succes..
El turismo rural va de la mano con el acercamiento a la gastronomía local de una región.Y la región de la ciudad búlgara de Kyustendil (suroeste de Bulgaria) es una mina de oro en este sentido. Por eso los tours gastronómicos en esta parte de..
Getting to know the cuisine typical of a given place goes hand in hand with rural tourism. The region of Kyustendil in Southwestern Bulgaria, is a gold mine in this respect, with gastro tours in this part of Bulgaria gaining in popularity...
Por segundo año en la región de Kyustendil, famosa por sus deliciosas cerezas, se organiza el llamado “turismo de cerezas”, informa el corresponsal de BNR en Kyustendil Kiril Falin. Grupos, familias, e incluso clases enteras de estudiantes de todo el..
For the second year, so-called "cherry" tourism is being organized in the region of Kyustendil, known for its delicious cherries, BNR correspondent Kiril Falin has reported. Groups, families, even entire classes of students from all..
A car show "Speed and high heels" will take place today in Kyustendil. Every lady with a passion for sports, a car and a driver's license will be able to demonstrate her driving skills at Velbuzhd square. "Entrance for the public is free, and fun and..