By order of the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov, January 3, 2025, has been declared a non-school day for all schools in Bulgaria. The teaching content of January 3rd will be restructured by teachers so that it does not affect..
What is the noise level of an airplane engine or a hand drill, a normal conversation, the movement of a car at a speed of 60 km/h, in a disco, at a rock concert and which values are dangerous for people's health and the animals? The answers to..
Any action that creates conditions for stigmatisation of a group of people, persecution, division and hatred in society is contrary to all the leading international human rights standards that the Republic of Bulgaria, as a country governed by the rule of..
After more than three hours of heated debate, the Bulgarian Parliament has banned propaganda, promotion or incitement, directly or indirectly, of ideas or views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or the definition of gender identity other..
Bulgaria became the vice-champion in student debating at the World Schools Debating Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, at the end of July. 68 countries participated in the tournament, including the USA, Qatar, China, and our competitors beat..
An emergency epidemic situation will not be introduced in the country due to the spread of pertussis (whooping cough), as this is not necessary. This was announced by the chief state health inspector, Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev...
The construction of 33 new schools and kindergartens has begun, and another 57 buildings will be reconstructed and renovated, announced outgoing Minister of Education and Science Galin Tsokov. The projects will be implemented under the programme..
Minister of Education, Galin Tsokov, has announced initiatives for quality education aimed at the development of competences and skills for life and for better performance of students in the PISA tests. The Minister recalled that the results of..
A state of emergency has been declared in a number of districts in Bulgaria due to the severe weather conditions caused by the heavy snowfall over the weekend . The day will remain without classes for students in over 280 schools in 13 districts. T he..
Since 2017, the Bulgarian national minority has been officially recognized by the Albanian state, and since June 2023, its representative in the Committee of National Minorities in Albania is Milena Selimi - writer, translator, journalist, with..