90% of school-goers and 96% of schools in Bulgaria are now involved in distance learning, according to Ministry of Education and Science data. Extending the school year is not inevitable and depends on how long the crisis measures due to the..
Schools in Bulgaria have switched to online classes since Monday. Almost everywhere in the world, especially in Europe, Bulgarian Sunday Schools abroad have switched to online training. The transition to distance learning is already underway in the..
Due to the extraordinary circumstances with the coronavirus outbreak in Bulgaria and the prevention measures to limit its spread, in all schools in Bulgaria that are not in a "flu vacation", students are released from attending school at the discretion..
The European Parliament's Committee on Petitions has supported the petition of the Association of Bulgarian Schools Abroad, which aims to protect so-called "small-entry" languages in the EU. Svetoslav Malinov, rapporteur on the topic, has told..
Under an ordinance of the Ministry of Education children of refugees will be able to enroll in Bulgarian schools after a special card is filled in about their education level. The card is part of the minutes about an interview that has been held...