“The stream of Ukrainian refugees entering Bulgaria has been increasing in the past few days,” Colonel Valeri Rachev, chairman of the Council of Ministers’ Crisis Centre has announced. 156,323 citizens of Ukraine have so far entered the country,..
Очаква се нова вълна от украински бежанци През следващите седмици се очаква в България да пристигнат около 200 000 бежанци, информира Върховния комисариат за бежанците към ООН. Според статистиката на информационния портал „България за Украйна“,..
The government is developing a plan of action if 200,000 citizens of Ukraine enter Bulgaria, the new head of the Agency for Refugees Mariana Tosheva said. According to UN High Commissioner for Refugees data, a second wave of refugees is to be..
Bulgaria will cover the health insurance expenses of refugees from Ukraine, MPs decided with amendments to the Health Insurance Act. According to the amendments to the law, the maximum amount to be covered by the state is 54 million leva..
The government has extended, until 15 April, the right of foreign citizens or stateless persons, who have fled Ukraine and have entered Bulgaria, to obtain temporary protection without their express declaration of intention and registration..
The number of Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection status in Bulgaria is now over 19 thousand. The increase is 2,800 people in just one day, show data of the Unified Portal "Bulgaria for Ukraine". The number of Ukrainian citizens..
Bulgaria and another 24 EU countries provide temporary protection to Ukrainians fleeing the war – now more than 3 million in number. 110,714 people have entered the territory of Bulgaria to date, of them a little under 51,000 Ukrainians,..
Nearly 38,000 Ukrainian citizens have entered Bulgaria since the start of the war in Ukraine on 24 February, portal "Bulgaria for Ukraine" reports. 9,900 Ukrainian refugees have been granted temporary protection status. More than 39,400 people have..
“116,000 Ukrainian refugees have entered Bulgaria since the start of the war and 54,000 of them have remained,” Kalina Konstantinova, Deputy Prime Minister for Good Governance said in an interview with bTV. According to her, more than 30% of..
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, more than 113,000 Ukrainian citizens have entered Bulgaria, 99% of whom have passports with biometric data. This was announced by Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister for Effective Governance Kalina Konstantinova..