An expedition is to analyse the effect of Russia’s war in Ukraine on the marine environment in the Bulgarian waters for the first time. The research is part of the project SCIRENA II by the Institute of Marine Research of the Kingdom of Norway and..
Mit den Stimmen von GERB-BDS, PP-DB und DPS hat das Parlament am 7. August den Vorschlag von BSP für Bulgarien verworfen, einen Teil der Ausrüstung für das Kernkraftwerk „Belene“ zu verwenden, um den dritten Dampf-Generator des sechsten..
The caretaker government has allowed the Bulgarian military to train Ukrainian soldiers on the territory of NATO member states. The reasoning states that with this decision Bulgaria expresses its support forUkraine, upholds Euro-Atlantic values and..
Bulgaria has offered to help Hungary cope with the difficulties arising from the ban on the transit of oil across Ukraine. This transpired from a post on Facebook by Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto. “Bulgaria, as a true friend and..
La Bulgarie aurait proposé à la Hongrie de l’aider à surmonter les difficultés liées à la suspension du transit de pétrole via l’Ukraine. C’est ce qu’a suggéré Peter Siarto, ministre hongrois des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce, qui a posté sur..
Sur Facebook où il répondait aux questions des Bulgares, le premier ministre Dimitar Glavtchev a répété que la Bulgarie n'enverra pas de troupes en Ukraine, ce que l'OTAN n'a d'ailleurs aucune intention de faire. "J'exécute strictement les..
The former Bulgarian Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev will be temporarily in charge of the Bulgarian Embassy in Ukraine. This decision was taken by the Bulgarian caretaker government to end the more than a year-long deadlock between the Council of..
The formation of the next aid package for Ukraine is at the final stage and it can be submitted to the Council of Ministers today, said caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov, who participated in a conference on the occasion..
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia was ready to take all necessary measures to ensure its security. "Of course, the concentrated presence of NATO warships - we take into account Bulgaria and Romania, the coastal countries that are..
"Nous avons étudié les possibilités de rendre l'OTAN encore plus forte, en misant sur le collectif, tout en renforçant les capacités de défense de chacun des pays membres". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le premier ministre Dimitar Glavtchev, ajoutant que lors du..