The European Commission has approved the transfer of EUR 90 million that remained unused by Bulgaria during the previous financial period under the Rural Development Program, said caretaker Minister of Agriculture, Georgi Tahov, who..
Bulgaria will request the suspension of the import of eggs originating from Ukraine at the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels on September 23. At the forum, Bulgaria will be represented by the caretaker Minister of..
Bulgarien wird auf der bevorstehenden Tagung des EU-Agrarrates am 23. September in Brüssel einen Stopp der Eierimporte aus der Ukraine beantragen. Das kündigte der bulgarische Minister für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung Georgi Tachow an, der an..
Bulgaria will request the suspension of egg imports from Ukraine at the upcoming Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels on September 23, caretaker Minister of Agriculture and Food Minister Georgi Tahov said at a meeting with farmers..
Bulgaria’s support for Ukraine in the context of the ongoing Russian aggression was the focus of a meeting between caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Kondov and Ukrainian Ambassador to Bulgaria Olesya Ilashchuk, the Ministry of Foreign..
''Our aid is being used on the front line as combat equipment and ammunition on the territory of Ukraine'', caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov told BNT regarding the military aid that Bulgaria provides to Ukraine. '' Everything we have..
Mit den Stimmen von GERB, PP-DB und der DPS hat das Parlament beschlossen, die Verhandlungen zwischen dem bulgarischen Energieminister und seinem ukrainischen Amtskollegen über den Verkauf der für das Kernkraftwerk „Belene“ bestimmten russischen..
Au classement mondial, la Bulgarie occupe la deuxième place après la Turquie pour la consommation de pain, comme indiqué par la TV publique qui relaye le site turc Yenigün. Si un Turc consomme 200 kilos de pain par an, le Bulgare engloutit 131.1 kilos...
The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, has promised support to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, for the purchase of the reactors from Bulgaria , bTV reported. The goal is to use the Russian..
Le directeur général de l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique /AIEA/, Rafael Grossi à promis son soutien à l'Ukraine pour le rachat des réacteurs de la Bulgarie, annonce la chaîne bTV. L'idée est que l'équipement russe destiné initialement au..