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GERB yüzde 5 ile BSP’nin önünde

  ‘45. Halk Meclisi için seçim kampanyasının başlangıcından üç gün önce ‘Alpha Research’ sosyoloji ajansı,  BTV’nin eşfinansmanıyla seçmen tercihlerine dair araştırmasını yayınladı.   GERB-SDS koalisyonuna yüzde 28.5 oranında seçmen desteği var...

02.03.21 11:46 |

GERB party widens lead over BSP to 5%: Alpha Research

Three days before the start of the election campaign for the 45 th National Assembly, Alpha Research polling agency published a survey of electoral attitudes, co-financed by the agency and bTV. The coalition GERB-Union of Democratic..

02.03.21 11:43 |

GERB enregistre une avance de 5% sur le PS…

A 3 jours du coup d’envoi officiel de la campagne électorale pour la 45 e législatire, l’agence Alpha Research publie un sondage concernant les intentions de vote qui est cofinancé par la chaîne de TV, bTV. La coalition GERB-UFD bénéficie..

02.03.21 11:42 |

Η πανδημία άλλαξε τον τρόπο ζωής 50% των Βουλγάρων

Ο ένας στους δύο Βουλγάρους θεωρεί ότι η πανδημία Covid-19 άλλαξε όχι απλώς ορισμένες πτυχές της καθημερινότητάς, αλλά και όλο τον τρόπο ζωής μας, δείχνει αντιπροσωπευτική έρευνα της Alpha Research. Πάνω από 1/3 των ανθρώπων νιώθουν..

18.02.21 12:58 |

La pandemia ha trastocado la vida de la mitad de los búlgaros

Uno de cada dos búlgaros opina que la pandemia de Covid-19 ha alterado no simplemente aspectos diversos de su día a día sino todo su modo de vida. Lo indica un sondeo representativo de Alpha Research. Más de un tercio de  la gente experimenta..

18.02.21 12:56 |

Six formations would enter parliament if elections were now: Alpha Research

If parliamentary elections were to be held at the beginning of 2021 the ruling GERB party would win 24.3% of the votes, indicates a survey by Alpha Research sociological agency. The Bulgarian Socialist Party would win  21.9% , followed by..

06.01.21 12:46 |

6 σχηματισμοί μπαίνουν στη μελλοντική Βουλή

Εάν οι εκλογές ήταν στις αρχές του 2021, οι κυβερνώντες του GERB θα συγκέντρωναν 24,4% των ψήφων, δείχνει έρευνα της Alpha Research. Το αριστερό Βουλγαρικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα θα κέρδιζε 21,9% των ψήφων. Τρίτη δύναμη θα ήταν το κόμμα «Υπάρχει..

06.01.21 12:16 |

Para el 51% de los búlgaros 2020 era un año adverso

Apenas el 6% de los búlgaros dan una valoración positiva para el año 2020 en plan personal. El 51% lo califican de negativo. Respecto a 2019, los ánimos negativos han crecido 3.5 veces, indica un estudio de la agencia Alfa Research.Un  75%   de..

22.12.20 13:57 |

2020 has been bad year for 51% of Bulgarians: survey

2020 has been a good year for 6% of Bulgarians only and 51% of the respondents assessed it negatively. Negative assessments increased 3.5 times as compared to 2019, a survey conducted by Alpha Research sociological agency shows. Three-quarters of the..

22.12.20 13:13 |

Bullgarët kërkojnë që Shkupi ta njohë të kaluarën historike

83.8% e bullgarëve janë kundër përkrahjes së Maqedonisë së Veriut për anëtarësim në BE, derisa të mos arrihet pajtim për të kaluarën historike, tregon një studim sociologjik i Alpha Research. 10.2% mendojnë se Sofja duhet ta përkrahë Shkupin..

03.11.20 18:34 |
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