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от 15.00 часа

Producătorii de cereale au refuzat să se întâlnească cu premierul

Producătorii de cereale, nemulțumiți de decizia de reluare a importului de produse ucrainene, au trimis o scrisoare premierului Nikolai Denkov, refuzând să se întâlnească cu acesta, a declarat chiar premierul pentru BNT.  Premierul i-a invitat la..

16.09.23 13:30 |

Premier Denkov on grain growers: I will not negotiate with terrorists 

"I will not negotiate with terrorists", Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov commented , after grain growers refused to meet him. Agriculture producers announced a national protest against the resumed import of Ukrainian produce. Mr. Denkov described the..

16.09.23 13:25 |

Grain growers refuse meeting the PM 

Grain producers, dissatisfied with MPs decision to waive the ban on imports of Ukrainian produce, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov , stating that they refused to meet with him, he told BNT. The prime minister invited them to a meeting..

16.09.23 10:28 |
PM Nikolai Denkov

PM, Education Ministers congratulate students, teachers and parents on the first day of school

Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov and Minister of Education Galin Tsokov congratulated the first-graders, who on 15 September walked through the doors of school for the first time.  Mr. Denkov wished the children to enjoy this day, which marks the..

15.09.23 09:48 |

Farmers to receive over €32 million in aid due to Ukrainian grain imports 

The Ministry of Finance will grant 63 million euros (32.2 million euros) in aid to farmers after the ban on Ukrainian grain imports was lifted, the ministry's press service said. The funds are due to be voted by the government next week. Additional..

14.09.23 16:36 |

702 000 pupils in Bulgaria prepare for the first day of school

2,349 Bulgarian schools will open on 15 September , the first day of the autumn term. A total of 702,000 pupils from first to twelfth grade will attend school, with more than 57,000 first-graders.  This was announced by Prime Minister Nikolai..

13.09.23 17:06 |

PM defends scrapping ban on Ukrainian grain imports

"We believe it is right to to allow imports from Ukraine," Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov said before the regular government meeting.  There are two points of view - the first one being that of grain producers  who demand the ban to remain in force,..

13.09.23 13:24 |

Local elections outcome unlikely to have impact on the governance structure

Two weeks before the start of the campaign for local elections in Bulgaria a number of parties have not yet announced their candidates for mayor. This time however, there is no indifference to the upcoming polls. The public is interested in..

12.09.23 13:49 |
Nikolay Denkov

Situația din Tsarevo se normalizează, se caută cauzele inundațiilor

Situația din Tsarevo se normalizează treptat, în această dimineață am discutat cu oamenii din comitetul de criză de acolo, a declarat premierul Nikolay Denkov, care răspunde pe Facebook la întrebările cetățenilor și jurnaliștilor cu privire la..

07.09.23 12:30 |

Aderarea la Schengen rămâne o prioritate pentru Bulgaria

Bulgaria nu și-a schimbat prioritățile pentru aderarea la Schengen, în ciuda obiecțiilor Olandei și Austriei, a declarat prim-ministrul Nikolay Denkov.  „Pentru Țările de Jos, întrebarea cât de bine funcționează sistemul nostru de justiție este crucială...

01.09.23 16:00 |
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