Bulgaria's national women's volleyball team has won a second consecutive victory in the League of Nations. In a 13th round match played in the Chinese city of Ningbo, the Bulgarians defeated world champion Serbia with a score of 3:1 (21:25, 25:21,..
In 2018, Bulgaria exported more than 100 tons of honey to EU countries and 4 tons of honey for non-EU countries, Eurostat reported on the occasion of May 20, which is World Bee Day. Bulgaria has also imported 12 tons of honey from non-EU countries..
Bilateral co-operation and opportunities for deepening ties between Bulgaria and China were discussed at a meeting of Vice President Iliyana Yotova and China's new Ambassador to Bulgaria, Mr. Dong Xiaojun. In 2019, Sofia and Beijing..
A 17-member delegation from Bulgaria is leaving for China today at the invitation of the Chinese Cultural Center in Sofia. The occasion is participation in a large international exhibition in Ningbo, where 3500 participants will present the..
The Bulgarian team of Windigo Gaming has triumphed with the title in CS:GO at the prestigious international tournament in China - World Electronic Sports Games (WESG). The Bulgarians became the surprise of the tournament as they were not expected to..
Chinese companies have been interested in importing Bulgarian wine and vegetable oil. They have been exploring opportunities for investments in this country, vice-governor of China's Jiangxi province told Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Economy..
Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rumen Porozhanov has opened the first China-Bulgaria Agricultural Cooperation Demonstration Zone under the framework of the 16 + 1 initiative with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Its..
Visas to Bulgaria will, very soon, be issued in 15 megapolises in China – Guangzhou, Jinan, Kunming, Nanjing, Beijing, Xi An, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Changsha, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Shenyang, announced Foreign Minister..
The 4th Local Leaders' Meeting of the Central and East European countries and China “16+1” will be held in Sofia on Saturday - October 20th. The meeting will be held under the moto “Global Thinking, Local Action” and is a continuation of the 7th Meeting..
"One Belt, One Road” initiative opens new opportunities for investments and trade cooperation. Participation of Bulgaria and partner countries in the initiative is of mutual benefit.” This is what Minister responsible for the Bulgarian Presidency of the..