On today's memorial date - January 27, the world community pays tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. It was on this date, in 1945, when the Soviet army liberated the few survivors of the concentration camp Auschwitz (Oswiecim-Birkenau, in..
"Nu putem fi indiferenți atunci când drepturile omului sunt amenințate." Cu aceste cuvinte, vicepreședintele Iliana Iotova s-a adresat participanților la pelerinajul de la Monumentul Salvării din Tel Aviv - identic cu un monument din Sofia și care..
Reprezentanții a 20 de mass-media bulgare din 13 țări s-au reunit pentru un forum de trei zile la Ierusalim și Tel Aviv. Cea de-a XVII-a Întâlnire Mondială a presei bulgare, organizată de Agenția Telegrafică Bulgară (BTA), a început cu o rugăciune la..
On March 10 Bulgaria marks the Day of Salvation of Bulgarian Jews and honors the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. President Rumen Radev recalled the courage of Bulgarians who withstood one of the biggest historical tests during World War II...
Anlässlich des 10. März – dem Tag, an dem in Bulgarien an die Rettung der bulgarischen Juden erinnert und der Holocaust-Opfer gedacht wird, verwies Staatspräsident Rumen Radew auf den Mut des bulgarischen Volkes, das während des Zweiten Weltkrieges..
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has voiced his reverence for the memory of the Holocaust victims . "This enormous tragedy, which has caused immense suffering, obliges us to remember millions of people, including 6 million Jews, whose lives were taken..
"Holocaust Remembrance Day each year reminds us of the value of democracy and peace. It reminds us that there have been times when innocent people have been brutally killed and human rights have been unceremoniously trampled on. " This was written by..