El Consejo Superior de la Judicatura examinará durante la semana entrante una parte de los motivos presentados por el Ministerio de Justicia, para una destitución anticipada del fiscal general Iván Gueshev, ha informado en Televisión Nacional de..
“The Supreme Judicial Council is to review, next week, some of the grounds, submitted by the Justice Ministry, for the termination of the term of office of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev,” Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova said, in an..
On April 12, the Supreme Judicial Council will decide whether to terminate the term of office of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev, it has become clear at a meeting of the institution. The SJC accepted as admissible five of the grounds cited by..
El 12 de abril el Consejo Superior de la Judicatura decidirá si interrumpir o no anticipadamente el mandato del fiscal general, Iván Gueshev, ha trascendido tras la sesión de la institución. El Consejo Superior de la Judicatura ha aprobado como..
El primer ministro de Bulgaria, Kíril Petkov, ha instado al Consejo Superior de la Judicatura a que respalde la petición de Nadezhda Yordanova, ministra de Justicia de una suspensión anticipada del mandato del fiscal general, Iván Gueshev. Petkov ha..
Live broadcast of the meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), which is currently assessing the legal grounds for the proposal of Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova for early dismissal of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev , was disrupted. The..
Police and prison wardens organized a protest and put up a tent camp in front of the Ministry of Finance building. The protest is organized by the trade union organizations of the Ministry of the Interior and prisons in Bulgaria. “The..
Policías y celadores se han volcado en una acción de protesta, montando un campamento de tiendas de campaña delante del Ministerio de Hacienda. La acción ha sido organizada por las organizaciones sindicales del Ministerio del Interior y de las..
Las enmiendas a la Ley de Poder Judicial, que prevén la clausura de los juzgados y la fiscalía especializados, ha sido aprobadas en primera lectura por una mayoría parlamentaria de 134 votos a favor. Quienes han votado en contra han sido..
Parliament has approved, at first reading, the amendments to the Judicial System Act regarding the closure of the specialized lawcourts and prosecutor’s office, by 134 votes “for”. The only votes against were those of the MPs from the opposition..