Başbakan Nikolay Denkov, Almanya Şansölyesi Olaf Scholz ile görüşmek için Almanya’ya haret ediyor. Bu akşam gerçekleşecek görüşme kapsamında Nikolay Denkov ve Olaf Scholz Schengen, Batı Balkanlar, Ukrayna savaşı ve 5 Ekim’de İspanya’nın..
Kryeministri Nikollaj Denkov niset për në Berlin, ku do të takohet me kancelarin federal të Gjermanisë, Olaf Scholz. Në takimin e sotëm, të dy do të diskutojnë tema që kanë të bëjnë me Shengenin, Ballkanin Perëndimor, luftën në Ukrainë dhe bisedimet e..
Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov is leaving for Berlin, where he will meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz . During their meeting this evening, the two will discuss topics related to Schengen, the Western Balkans, the war in Ukraine and the upcoming..
El primer Ministro Nikolay Denkov ha partido para Berlín, donde se reunirá esta tarde con el canciller federal de Alemania, Olaf Scholz. Durante la reunión se abordarán temas relacionados con Schengen, con los Balcanes Occidentales, la guerra en Ucrania..
Le premier ministre bulgare, Nikolay Denkov, est parti pour Berlin où il s’entretiendra avec le chancelier fédéral d’Allemagne, Olaf Scholz. Denkov et Scholz se rencontreront ce soir pour discuter de Schengen, des Balkans occidentaux, de la guerre en..
Poland will supply Ukraine with an initial batch of four MiG-29 fighter jets, Polish President Andrzej Duda announced . According to him, this will happen in the next few days, and the plan is for the country to receive a total of 12 planes later. On..
The 9 March Russian missile attacks against the entire territory of Ukraine are the biggest since the beginning of 2023, leading to civilian deaths, and water, electricity and heating outages. The situation is most difficult in the regions of..
Lors de leur réunion à Bruxelles, les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'UE évoqueront à nouveau la guerre en Ukraine et l'aide militaire de l'Iran qui ne cesse de livrer des drones à la Russie. "Des chars doivent être livrés" à l’Ukraine, a..
On December 1 and 2 the Polish city of Lodz hosts the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Poland took the unprecedented decision to ban Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov from participating in..
Die Außenminister der Mitgliedsstaaten der „Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa“ (OSZE) treffen sich im polnischen Łódź. Gastgeber Polen traf die präzedenzlose Entscheidung, den Außenminister Russlands Sergei Lawrow wegen der..