Der bulgarische Europaabgeordnete von „Renew Europe“, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, hat der Vizepräsidentin der Europäischen Kommission für Werte und Transparenz Věra Jourová und dem EU Kommissar für Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit Didier Reynders einen Brief..
With little interest shown by MEPs in the plenary hall of the EP, a discussion on the rule of law in Bulgaria took place at the backdrop of ongoing anti-government protests in this country. On October 1, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice..
The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism is still in place for Bulgaria, said Věra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission at the presentation of the EU rule of law reports. “As you know, there were plans to lift it, but there is..
Die Europäische Kommission wird am 23. September die ersten Berichte zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit in jedem EU-Land vorlegen. Dies gab die Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission Věra Jourová bekannt, die von der BNR-Korrespondentin in Brüssel, Angelina..
Informacioni i përhapur në hapësirën publike se Kryeministri Bojko Borisov është i ftuar në Parlamentin Evropian për një debat për superioritetin e ligjit në Bullgari kategorikisht nuk i përgjigjet së vërtetës. As kryeministri dhe as ndonjë anëtar i..
The publicly circulated information that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has been invited to the European Parliament for a debate on the rule of law in Bulgaria is categorically untrue. Neither the prime minister, nor any member of the cabinet..
Der Mechanismus zur Überwachung der Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Bulgarien wurde nicht aufgehoben. Das geht aus der schriftlichen Antwort der Vizepräsidentin der Europäischen Kommission Věra Jourová hervor , erklärte die Europaabgeordnete und..
On October 26 – 27 th Sofia hosted the annual EU–Western Balkans justice and home affairs ministerial meeting. The event came as part of the Estonian EU presidency and representatives of Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,..
The process of Roma integration is delayed in Bulgaria, the EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová told the Bulgarian National Radio. This topic will be in the focus of discussions during Commissioner Jourová’s visit to..
The European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová has started to deal with the case related to the double standard in food products on Western and Eastern European markets that are manufactured by the same company and..