In order to address the rising prices of fuel, the government has been considering 50 liters of fuel per citizen a month to be at a lower price, Deputy Minister of Energy Plamen Danailov has told Nova TV. The measure provides for a..
La courbe ascendante des prix des carburants continue et pourrait atteindre 1.30 euros le litre pour l'essence normale. Une hausse est également prévue pour le diesel et le gaz à la pompe. Rien qu'en octobre, les prix à la pompe ont augmenté de 5-6%...
Fuel prices will increase by nearly EUR 0.05 by the end of 2021, traders forecast. Thus, one litre of petrol will cost EUR 1.30 at Christmas. The price of diesel and natural gas is expected to rise as well. In October 2021, fuel prices increased..
L’inflation annuelle en août avait atteint son niveau le plus élevé depuis le mois de février de l’année dernière en raison de la hausse des prix des carburants et des produits alimentaires, montrent les données de l’Institut national de la..
Diesel and gasoline A 95 in Bulgaria are currently priced at about 20% cheaper than the average European prices. This is what energy expert Martin Vladimirov told the BNR. The indicated values are for wholesale raw materials, he specified. Usually in..
Nearly 40 tonnes of diesel have been seized during an inspection of fuels in the country carried out by the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance. Following an order from the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor's Office, the agency..
Suite à des inspections des quantités de carburants dont dispose le pays, effectuées par l’Agence d’Etat de surveillance métrologique et technique, ont été saisies environ 40 tonnes de diesel. Sur ordre du Parquet administratif suprême,..
Be cause of the coronavirus crisis, fuel trade at gas stations in Bulgaria has shrunk by 50 to 70% over the past month and a half , Svetoslav Benchev from the Bulgarian Oil and Gas Association said. The expert pointed out that currently Bulgarian fuels..
A raíz de la crisis del coronavirus, la venta de carburantes en las gasolineras del país ha bajado en entre un 50 y un 70% durante el último mes y medio, ha anunciado Svetoslav Benchev, de la Asociación Búlgara de Petróleo y Gas. El experto ha resaltado..
"Bulgaria is experiencing a fall in fuel prices. There has been a decrease in the last 3 months by about 19% for gasoline and 17% for diesel . Bulgarian fuel prices before VAT and excise duty are slightly below average European levels", energy expert..