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от 18.00 часа
Slavi Trifonov, leader of ITN

ITN withdraw their support for the cabinet with the first mandate

The parliamentary party "There is such a people" (ITN) will not support a GERB cabinet. This was announced on Facebook by the leader of the party, Slavi Trifonov. Until today, no one had a constructive conversation with ITN, the leader complained...

22.05.23 09:15 |
Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel întoarce mandatul îndeplinit pentru proiectul de cabinet

Premierul desemnat Mariya Gabriel îi va prezenta astăzi, la ora 15.00, președintelui Rumen Radev, structura și componența cabinetului propus de ea. "Aștept ca GERB-SDS să vină cu un mandat îndeplinit, după care voi emite un decret", a declarat șeful..

22.05.23 08:30 |
Mariya Gabriel, President Rumen Radev

Mariya Gabriel will present to President Radev the draft cabinet composition

The nominee for Prime Minister, Mariya Gabriel, will present the structure and composition of her proposed cabinet to President Rumen Radev today at 3:00 p.m.  "I expect GERB-SDS to come with a fulfilled mandate, after which I will issue a decree,"..

22.05.23 08:25 |
Mariya Gabriel

GERB continues to seek support for the first cabinet-forming mandate

A meeting between the leaders of GERB-SDS and PP-DB took place in the parliament . The talks between the candidate for prime minister from GERB Mariya Gabriel, the leader of GERB Boyko Borisov and the representatives of SDS, PP and DB lasted two hours...

19.05.23 18:10 |
Mariya Gabriel

Proiectul de componență a cabinetului rămâne neschimbat, numele vor fi dezvăluite luni, spune premierul desemnat Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel, desemnată de GERB-SDS pentru funcția de prim-ministru, a declarat că componența proiectului de cabinet rămâne neschimbată, întrucât nu mai este timp pentru schimbări. Ea a confirmat că numele miniștrilor vor fi anunțate luni.  După o..

19.05.23 16:15 |
Copreședintele Continuăm Schimbarea Kiril Petkov (dreaptă) și Hristo Ivanov din Bulgaria Democrată

Continuăm Schimbarea/Bulgaria Democrată nu va susține un cabinet pe un mandat GERB cu premierul Mariya Gabriel

Coaliția Continuăm Schimbarea/Bulgaria Democrată nu va susține un guvern pe mandatul GERB-SDS cu prim-ministru - comisarul european Mariya Gabriel. La această decizie a ajuns coaliția după lungi ore de dezbateri istovitoare în cadrul organelor de..

17.05.23 11:00 |
Hrsto Ivanov (L) and Kiril Petkov

We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria will not support a cabinet on a GERB mandate with PM Mariya Gabriel

The coalition We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria will not support a government on the mandate of GERB/SDS with prime minister - European commissioner Mariya Gabriel. This decision was reached by the coalition after long hours of grueling..

17.05.23 09:06 |
President Rumen Radev met Gabriel, who is European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, to give her the mandate. She will have seven days to see if she can get enough support to break Bulgaria's political deadlock.

EU Commissioner Gabriel gets mandate to form Bulgaria's new cabinet

President Rumen Radev handed the first exploratory mandate for forming a government to the candidate of the first political force GERB-SDS Maria Gabriel. "I expect that within a week you will present the structure and composition of the Council of..

15.05.23 18:12 |
Mustafa Karadayi

MRF supports the idea of an expert government

The BSP will decide whether to support GERB's formula for creating an expert government after the party's National Council votes on the issue, leader Kornelia Ninova said.  A little later, Ninova announced that the BSP was ending talks with GERB to..

15.05.23 17:36 |

Başsavcı istifa vermeyi ret etti ve politik baskıdan yakındı

Başsavcı İvan Geşev basına özel açıklama yaptı.  Basın toplantısına  elinde kağıt ve kalemle gelen Geşev, istifa dilekçesini yırtıp, yere attı.   “ABD’den dönüşümde saat 10’a kadar istifa etmem gerektiği konusunda zorlandım, uyarıldım. İstifamı..

15.05.23 14:06 |
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