"What is the European history we share? What are the cultural characteristics and political discourse that shape and sustain the project for a united Europe in Sofia and Paris, in Kiyv and in Warsaw; in Riga and in Budapest, in..
Între 13 și 20 iunie, Sofia găzduiește cea de-a 16-a ediție a Festivalului literar internațional "CapitalаLiteratura". Tema din acest an este "Poezie/Natura", dedicată interconexiunii dintre arta poetică și mediul înconjurător într-o lume în..
Vom 13. bis 20. Juni findet in Sofia die 16. Ausgabe des internationalen Literaturfestivals „StolizaLiteratura“ (HauptstadtLiteratur) statt. Das diesjährige Thema lautet „Poesie/Natur“ und ist der Verbindung von Dichtung und Umwelt in einer..
Le parc "Studentski" à Sofia accueillera du 13 au 16 juin la 7 e édition de "Park Fest". A cette occasion, la plus haute grande roue, 22 mètres de haut, à jamais être placée dans la capitale bulgare, y sera installée. Enorme et d’une blancheur..
The capital's "Studentski" Park is hosting the seventh edition of "Park Fest" from June 13 to 16. On this occasion, a Ferris wheel, with a height of more than 22 meters will be installed. This will be the tallest Ferris wheel that has visited Sofia. The..
The St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia ranks in 401 st to 600 th position in the Impact Rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) 2024 out of 1,963 universities around the world. This is the sixth time Sofia University has..
Peste 300 de persoane cu dizabilități votează astăzi, de la domiciliu, la Sofia. Ei votează cu urne mobile în 14 secții de votare. Echipele mobile vor vizita 16 districte din municipiul Sofia, unde persoanele cu dizabilități au dorit să voteze de acasă...
Plus de 300 personnes handicapées à Sofia rattachées à 14 bureaux de vote exercent leur droit de vote dans leur domicile à l’aide d’une urne mobile. Des équipes mobiles feront le tour de 16 districts de la Municipalité de Sofia où des personnes..
A group of extremely beautiful and exotic monkeys - colobus monkeys, can now be seen in the Sofia Zoo . The colobuses can now be found in the building of the second monkey house, and some of the best large and spacious enclosures have been prepared for..
Das Museum für Militärgeschichte in Sofia öffnet zum heutigen Vatertag von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr Ortszeit seine Türen für Attraktionen, Spiel und Spass. Der Eintritt ist frei. Der Tag ist der besonderen Beziehung zwischen Vätern und Kindern gewidmet und..