Shoqëria “Bulgargaz” informoi zyrtarisht klientët e vet se çmimi përfundimtar i propozuar prej saj për furnizuesin publik për shitjen e gazit natyror për muajin korrik 2022 është 186,47 leva për megavat orë (MWh) ose 95,34 euro për MWh (pa akcizë dhe..
Bulgargaz EAD has officially notified its customers that the final price proposed by it for the public supplier to sell natural gas to final suppliers and to persons who have been issued a license for the production and transmission of thermal energy for..
Η Bulgargaz ειδοποίησε επίσημα τους πελάτες της, ότι η οριστικά προταθείσα από την εταιρεία τιμή, με την οποία να πωλεί φυσικό αέριο στους τελικούς προμηθευτές και σε πρόσωπα, στα οποία έχει εκδοθεί άδεια για παραγωγή και μεταφορά θερμοηλεκτρικής..
La Empresa ha expresado su descontento por el retraso de las autoridades en anunciar el precio del gas natural en Bulgaria en julio. “Ni la Comisión Reguladora de Energía y Agua ni Bulgargaz han publicado ninguna información al respecto”,..
Unternehmen äußerten sich unzufrieden, dass noch nicht bekannt gegeben wurde, wie viel das Erdgas für Juli kosten werde. Weder die Kommission für Energie- und Wasserregulierung noch Bulgargaz hätten diesbezüglich Informationen veröffentlicht, monieren..
Businesses are not happy with the fact they do not know what the price of natural gas will be in July. “Neither the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, nor Bulgargaz have published any information on the matter,” the national employer..
"Bulgargaz" doit réceptionner le 2 juillet prochain une livraison de 62 millions de m3 de gaz liquéfié américain qui sera transporté par méthanier jusqu'au terminal grec "Revitusa", annonce le journal "Capital". Deux autres méthaniers sont arrivés en..
Public natural gas supplier Bulgargaz has proposed gas prices to be dropped by more than 13% as of June 1. According to the proposal the new price will be 72.2 euros per mWh . So far, the fuel has been traded in the country at 83.1 euros per mWh ...
‘Bulgargaz’ devlet şirketi enerji ve su düzenleme komisyonuna doğalgazın 1 Haziran itibariyle yüzde 13’ten fazla ucuzlatılmasını öneriyor. Yeni fiyatın megavatsaat için 72,2 Avro olması teklif ediliyor.Mavi yakıt şimdiye kadar 83,1 Avro ’ya..
La compañía estatal Bulgargaz sugiere a la Comisión Reguladora de Energía y Agua una bajada en el precio del gas natural de más de un 13 % a partir del 1 de julio. El nuevo precio sería de 72.2 euros por MWh. Hasta ahora, el combustible azul se..