A coordinating body is to be set up by 30 November 22, 2023 that will specify, with the Ukrainian side, what farming products Bulgaria wants to import, and will decide for which of them this country will issue permits, explained Minister of..
Die Abgeordneten haben die Bereitstellung von 100 Panzerwagen mit den dazugehörigen Ersatzteilen und Bewaffnung gebilligt. Das geschah durch die Abstimmung in erster und zweiter Lesung des Gesetzentwurfs zur Ratifizierung des Abkommens..
The MPs have approved granting Ukraine armoured transport vehicles which have fallen out of use for the Ministry of Interior, with the military equipment that goes with them, and spare parts for their maintenance. National Assembly Defence..
Corruption deprives ordinary Bulgarians of resources needed for schools, roads and economic growth . It weakens institutions and is a breeding ground for hostile action by other countries against Bulgaria, British Ambassador in Sofia Rob Dixon told BNR...
"La vraie force et l'efficacité de la diplomatie se manifestent avant le largage des bombes, dans la prévention". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le président Roumen Radev à la conférence "Guerres et paix : à quand le temps de la diplomatie?". Le forum est..
"The Kremlin's narrative is received quite favourably by a significant part of the population. However, this is changing and more and more Bulgarians are supporting Ukraine", stated Defense Minister Todor Tagarev in an interview with the Ukrainian..
Le ministre grec des Affaires étrangères a visité la bande de Gaza Le ministre grec des Affaires étrangères Giorgos Gerapetritis a fait une visite surprise dans la bande de Gaza pour y discuter la mise en place d’un corridor..
Today, the Bulgarian parliament will discuss in the first reading two draft laws on changes to the Law on the Control of Implementation of Restrictive Measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine. Their importers are..
Am Internationalen Tag des Schwarzen Meeres, dem 31. Oktober, haben der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Zelenski und der bulgarische Ministerpräsident Nikolai Denkow miteinander telefoniert, informierte die BTA. Gesprächsthema war die Sicherheit der..
On International Black Sea Action Day, 31 October, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke online with Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports. The two discussed security in the Black Sea region after..