Eмисия новини
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Bulgarische Delegation in den USA traf sich mit Energieministerin Jennifer Granholm

Energieminister Rumen Radew und Finanzminister Assen Wassilew haben sich in Washington mit der US-Energieministerin Jennifer Granholm über Energiesicherheit und neue Nuklearkapazitäten ausgetauscht. Wie der Pressedienst des Energieministeriums..

07.02.24 18:41 |

Dr. Georgi Lazarov’un mirası ABD’deki Bulgar topluluğunu birleştirmeye devam edecek

Farklı sosyal alanlarda derin iz bırakan ve hayata veda etmelerinden sonra bile sıkça anılmayı hak eden Bulgarların sayısı az değil. Bazıları bunu yurtta, bazıları ise yurttan uzak, göç ettikleri yerlerde yapıyorlar. Bunlar arasında h ayatı zorluklarla..

01.11.23 09:46 |
Gueorgui Lazarov

El legado del Dr. Gueorgui Lazarov seguirá uniendo a la comunidad búlgara del otro lado del charco

Son muchos los búlgaros de los que merece la pena hablar más a menudo, incluso después de su muerte, por haber dejado una profunda huella en diversos ámbitos sociales. Algunos de ellos lo hicieron estando en Bulgaria, otros desde la emigración. Hoy..

31.10.23 15:03 |

Comunitatea bulgară din zona Washington este unită în ciuda distanțelor

Bulgarii din Washington au un puternic sentiment de apartenență față de bulgarii de peste ocean. După schimbările democratice din Bulgaria, valul de emigranți în America a antrenat mulți specialiști autohtoni, inclusiv pe el însuși. "Aceasta este o mare..

18.10.23 19:00 |
Washington'da Bulgar Topluluğu Merkezi

Washington bölgesindeki Bulgar topluluğu mesafelere rağmen dayanışma içerisinde

Washington’da ikamet edenve Okyanus’un ötesindeki Bulgaristan vatandaşları üzerinde araştırmalar yapan yurttaşımız Prof. Asen Asenov, “vatan duygusu mahrumi yeti bizi birleştiriyor” diyor.  Bulgaristan'daki demokratik değişimin sonrasında..

18.10.23 15:10 |

Bulgarian community in the Greater Washington, D.C., area is united across distances

We share a common sadness for our homeland, says Prof. Dr. Assen Asenov, who lives in Washington, DC, and who has dedicated himself to the study of Bulgarians abroad. After the democratic changes in Bulgaria, the wave of immigrants to America brought..

18.10.23 14:02 |

La comunidad búlgara de Washington está unida a pesar de las distancias

"Estamos unidos por nuestro profundo sentimiento de patria perdida", dice el Profesor Asen Asenov, un búlgaro en Washington que dedica parte su tiempo a investigar sobre los búlgaros al otro lado del océano. Tras los cambios democráticos en Bulgaria,..

18.10.23 13:04 |

‎300 Bulgarians from USA present Bulgarian folklore at World Culture Festival in Washington

Over 300 Bulgarians based in the USA have represented Bulgaria at the World ‎Culture Festival in Washington , organized by the international foundation The ‎Art of Living .‎ ‎250 dancers from several Bulgarian folklore troupes in the USA,..

05.10.23 11:34 |

Kukeri masked dancers dazzle the audience in Washington DC

Bulgaria is taking part in the World Culture Festival in Washington , which ends on 2 October. The festival's programme states that out of 17 000 participants, nearly 250 are Bulgarians who came from different parts of the US to represent Bulgaria...

01.10.23 11:03 |
Desi Dobreva

The World Culture Festival in Washington, D.C. features 250+ Bulgarian performers

The World Culture Festival is preparing for its fourth edition, which this year will be held from September 29 to October 1 in Washington, USA. The festival is organised by the Art of Living Foundation, set up by spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi..

29.09.23 13:27 |
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