Eмисия новини
от часа

Infrastructura va permite Balcanilor să aibă cea mai mare creștere economică din Europa

Cu cât Bulgaria, România și Grecia se vor uni mai mult pentru o infrastructură dezvoltată în mod unitar, cu atât mai repede va crește bunăstarea oamenilor din fiecare dintre aceste țări, a declarat la Davos copreședintele partidului "Continuăm..

18.01.24 12:00 |

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Bulgaria for its support for Ukraine

Ukraine‘s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a video conference with We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria Co-chairman Kiril Petkov, GERB leader Boyko Borissov and Movement for Rights and Freedoms Floor Leader Delyan Peevski. President..

14.01.24 09:46 |
Deputy Premier Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel: Bulgaria demonstrates its key role in protecting the European Union’s external borders

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel thanked all those who contributed to Bulgaria's Schengen accession, starting with air and sea borders. Mariya Gabriel pointed out that Bulgaria demonstrates on a daily basis its..

31.12.23 10:38 |

Meclis bugün de çalışamadı

Meclis oturumu yeterli çoğunluk sağlanamadığı için başarısız oldu. İktidar çoğunluğunun milletvekilleri Parlamento salonuna girmedi . “Prodaljavame Promyanata” eşbaşkanı Kiril Petkov, muhalefetin “sirk gösterisi hazırladığı” için kayıt yaptırmadıklarını..

15.12.23 13:22 |

Report de l’introduction de la taxe sur le transit de gaz russe

Les partis de la majorité au pouvoir se sont mis d’accord de reporter l’introduction de la taxe de transit de gaz russe par la Bulgarie. "Nous travaillons ensemble avec la CE et quand elle nous aura donné un mécanisme complet nous l’appliquerons...

11.12.23 16:36 |
Kiril Petkov

PP-DB co-leader Kiril Petkov says no leadership meeting planned for political forces in government

There are no plans yet for a leadership meeting between the "We Will Continue - Democratic Bulgaria" (PP-DB) and GERB-SDS after the local elections, PP-DB co-leader Kiril Petkov said. "The Bulgarian government will inevitably have to hold talks," Mr..

07.11.23 18:08 |

Kiril Petkov: “De momento no ha sido fijada una reunión a nivel de líderes de las fuerzas políticas en el Gobierno”

Todavía no ha sido fijada una reunión a nivel de líderes entre Continuamos con el cambio-Bulgaria Democrática y el GERB-CDC después de las elecciones municipales, ha señalado el copresidente de Continuamos con el cambio-Bulgaria Democrática Kiril..

07.11.23 17:30 |
Kiril Petkov

Kiril Petkov: "Pas de rencontre prévue entre les leaders des forces politiques dirigeantes pour l'instant"

Il n'y a pas pour l'instant de rencontre prévue entre les leaders de PlC-BD et GERB-UFD après les élections municipales, a dit le coprésident de PlC-BD Kiril Petkov, soulignant que des discussions entre les participants à la gouvernance du pays sont..

07.11.23 16:45 |

Los hombres de Estado y los políticos instan a los ciudadanos búlgaros que voten en masa

Después de haber votado en Sofía, el primer ministro Nikolay Dénkov ha llamado a los búlgaros que ejerzan su derecho a voto y que sean tranquilos de que su elección será registrada correctamente. El copresidente de la coalición gobernante..

29.10.23 17:20 |
President Rumen Radev

Leaders urge people to get out and vote

"The most important thing is that we all vote, that we ensure peace on election day. And that we have confidence that every Bulgarian's vote will be counted correctly," said President Rumen Radev . Vice President Iliana Iotova stated that..

29.10.23 17:18 |
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