74% of hotels and guest houses in Bulgaria cannot meet the costs of their activities and need financial assistance to survive, according to a survey conducted by the National Statistical Institute. 44 percent of respondents say that their income..
The number of tourists who have taken a holiday on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast in July has shrunk by 2 million compared to the same period of last year. The number of charter flights to the country’s main airports has been slashed by a devastating 80%..
Mass cancellations by German tourists have begun of their reservations for the summer season along the Northern portion of Bulgaria’s Black Sea coastline. This has been confirmed for Radio Bulgaria by representatives of local tourism..
Most of the hotels on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast have not welcomed tourists yet and in the largest resort - Sunny Beach, only one of seven hotels has welcomed guests since the beginning of the tourist season, according to the Unified Tourist..
57.5% of hotel operators intend to offer their clients an alternative period for the reservations they have made, 65.6% intend to reduce the price of their services package, and 49.4% - of accommodation, show National Statistical Institute data from a..
From May 22 until today, over 91,000 tourists have stayed in hotels or other tourist accommodation places registered in the Bulgarian Unified Tourist Information System. 93% of them have been Bulgarians and the rest - foreigners. Between 60 and 70%..
The free platform, created to help the tourism business in this country started operating on June 1. Created on the initiative of a large retail chain, behind the idea stand the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) and representatives of the..
A great many of the almost 70 hotels in Golden Sands on the Black Sea are ready to open in the period from 15 June to 1 July. “The situation is dynamic as there are many uncertainties connected with inbound tourism and the interpretation of..
Despite the order of the Minister of Health, for mandatory wearing of masks in closed public places, an exception is allowed for restaurants. This is what the instructions published today for the operation of restaurants, family hotels and guest houses..
Persons entering Bulgaria from 8 EU countries subject to quarantine as of 1 June By order of Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev issued on 29 May, 2020, as of 1 June persons entering Bulgaria from Sweden, Great Britain and Northern..