The scriptwriters, authors and playwrights of the Bulgarian Association of Film, Television and Radio Screenwriters have condemned the aggression against spectators, actors, authors and staff of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre. In an open letter, they..
Protestul din fața Teatrului Național a fost anunțat dinainte și peste 60 de forțe de ordine au fost trimise pentru a securiza clădirea teatrului, a declarat ministrul de interne interimar Atanas Ilkov într-un interviu pentru serviciul public de..
The protest in front of the National theatre was pre-announced and more than 60 law enforcement officers were dispatched to secure the theatre building, caretaker Interior Minister Atanas Ilkov said in an interview with public service TV BNT. After..
A protest organized by nationalist organizations in front of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre last night against the premiere of Bernard Shaw’s play Arms and the Man , directed by John Malkovich, turned violent. The protesters occupied the entrances..
Protestul organizat aseară de organizațiile naționaliste în fața Teatrului Național Ivan Vazov împotriva premierei piesei lui Bernard Shaw Armele și Omul, în regia lui John Malkovich, a devenit violent.Protestatarii au ocupat intrările în clădirea..
A protest is being held tonight in front of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre against the premiere of the play Arms and the Man by Bernard Shaw, staged by John Malkovich , which will open at 7 p.m. "This play should not be staged at the National..
“We do not have an answer, as yet, from any political party, to the proposal for a cordon sanitaire around the Movement for Rights and Freedoms-New Beginning in the 51 st National Assembly,” said Kiril Petkov, co-chair of We Continue the Change in..
Lawyers in Sofia, Burgas, Ruse and other cities have come out to protest against what they say is an illegitimate procedure for the election of the Prosecutor General. The election process should be stopped and a new SJC should elect a reputable and..
Avocați din întreaga țară au anunțat că se adună astăzi la prânz pentru un protest pașnic în fața clădirii Palatului de Justiție din Sofia pentru a-și exprima dezacordul față de modul în care s-a desfășurat alegerea Procurorului general. Aceștia..
Lawyers from across the country have announced that they will gather at noon today for a peaceful protest in front of the Sofia Court House building to express their opposition to the way the election of the Prosecutor General is being conducted...