Eмисия новини
от часа

Union activists briefly block central Sofia

A protest rally demanding higher wages in the 2024 budget and a "clear and secure energy future for Bulgaria" was held in Sofia under the banners of one of the country's largest trade unions - the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria..

18.12.23 16:19 |
Plamen Dimitrov

Trade union protest for higher wages may bring capital to a standstill

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) is today organising a mass protest demonstration in Sofia on Monday 18 December under the slogan "For higher wages in the 2024 budget and for a clear and secure energy future for..

18.12.23 06:40 |

Unions planning major protest in Sofia on Monday

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) is planning a mass protest demonstration in Sofia on Monday 18 December, entitled "For higher wages and a clear and secure energy future for Bulgaria".  The unions are demanding..

16.12.23 06:40 |

Balkan developments

Romania to set up logistics centre for the restoration of Ukraine At a conference on the restoration of Ukraine and the strategic role of Romania in the resort of Sinaia, Romanian and foreign experts discussed the challenges to the restoration..

15.12.23 10:50 |

Opoziția blochează o ședință parlamentară din cauza dezmembrării unui monument controversat

Parlamentarii de la Renaștere, Partidul Socialist Bulgar (BSP) și Există un Astfel de Popor (ITN) au format un lanț uman în jurul tribunei din parlament în semn de protest. Președintele Camerei Deputaților, Rosen Jeliazkov, a cerut o explicație a ceea ce..

14.12.23 13:15 |

Opposition disrupts parliamentary session over dismantling of controversial monument

MPs from Vazrazhdane, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and There Is Such a People (ITN) formed human chain around the rostrum in parliament in protest. Speaker Rosen Zhelyazkov demanded an explanation of what was happening. "Will someone please..

14.12.23 11:27 |

Socialists organize a protest against the dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet Army

The Bulgarian Socialist Party and Vazrazhdane party are organizing a protest  at 6 pm  tonight in the Knyazhevska Garden in Sofia against the destruction of the Monument to the Soviet Army. "Let's not allow them to desecrate Bulgarian history..

13.12.23 18:13 |

Protest ca urmare a demontării Monumentului Armatei Sovietice

Protestatari împotriva dezmembrării Monumentului Armatei Sovietice au blocat timp de o jumătate de oră intersecția Podului Orlov din centrul Sofiei, monumentul fiind situat într-un parc de lângă această intersecție majoră a capitalei bulgare...

13.12.23 09:00 |

Protest over dismantling the Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia

Protesters against the dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet Army blocked the Eagles’ Bridge intersection in the center of Sofia for half an hour. Earlier today, the start of the dismantling of sculptures from the monument was announced...

12.12.23 14:18 |

Lucrătorii din infrastructura rutieră amenință cu blocaje la frontieră

Angajații Agenției pentru Infrastructură Rutieră au ieșit astăzi la protest, blocând pentru scurt timp autostrada Hemus. Acțiunea, desfășurată sub sloganul "Muncă decentă - salarii decente", a fost organizată de Confederația Sindicatelor Independente din..

07.12.23 18:30 |
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