“Behind the upcoming inauguration of the “Macedonian culture club” in Blagoevgrad is an individual purporting to be a non-existent public organization in the media,” Deputy Foreign Minister in the caretaker cabinet and ministry spokesman Kostadin..
After the official opening of two Bulgarian cultural clubs in Bitola and Ohrid, bearing the names of "Ivan Mihailov" and "Tsar Boris III", a bill with retrograde provisions was adopted at first reading in the parliament of North Macedonia. It..
The mayor of Blagoevgrad Ilko Stoyanov issued a statement regarding the planned opening of a North Macedonia culture club in the town, in which he points out that the municipality has neither banned, nor has it allowed the holding of this private..
A la veille de l'ouverture d'un espace culturel macédonien à Blagoevgrad, le maire de la ville Ilko Stoyanov a déclaré que la municipalité n'a ni interdit, ni autorisé cet événement privé auquel le maire n'assistera pas. Blagoevgrad a des relations..
Blagoevgrad belediye başkanı Ilko Stoyanov, şehirde bir Makedon kültür kulübünün açılmasıyla ilgili açıklama yaptı. Belediye başkanı, kendisinin katılmayacağı bu özel etkinliğe belediyeden ne yasaklama ne de izin ile ilgili karar olmadığının altını..
"L'ouverture, le 30 octobre, d'un espace culturel macédonien à Blagoevgrad ne doit pas susciter des tensions". C'est ce qu'a déclaré à la RNB le président du Conseil municipal Radoslav Taskov, ajoutant qu'il espérait que les autorités en Macédoine..
“The opening of a North Macedonia culture club in Bulgaria’s Blagoevgrad on 30 October should not breed tension,” said the town’s municipal council chairman Radoslav Taskov, adding that he hoped the authorities in North Macedonia would not allow the..
Președintele macedonean Stevo Pendarovski a declarat că nu are intenția să discute cu Bulgaria și cu omologul său Rumen Radev chestiuni legate de istorie și trecut. El a declarat pentru Telma TV că va vorbi cu Bulgaria despre problemele europene reale...
Makedonya Cumhurbaşkanı Stevo Pendarovski Bulgaristan temsilcileri ve mevkidaşı Rumen Radev ile tarih ve geçmişle ilgili konuları görüşmeye asla niyeti olmadığını bildirdi. ”Telma” televizyonuna konuşan Pendarovski, Bulgaristan ile gündemdeki..
The President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski stated that he had no intention of discussing, with Bulgaria and with his counterpart Rumen Radev, questions connected with history and the past. Talking to Telma TV he said that he would talk..