According to the Plan for the Development of the Armed Forces until 2026, it is necessary to make changes in the structures of the army this year, as new fighter jets are expected to be delivered in 2025. The report of Minister of..
Ana Brnabic: "Serbia așteaptă aderarea la UE de peste 20 de ani, iar oamenii sunt obosiți" Serbia așteaptă aderarea la UE de mai bine de 20 de ani, iar oamenii sunt obosiți pentru că, indiferent ce au făcut, totul nu este suficient de bun. Declarația..
Ana Brnabić : "La Serbie attend une adhésion à l’UE depuis 20 ans et la lassitude s’installe" Cela fait plus de 20 ans que la Serbie attend une adhésion à l’UE et les gens sont lassés, parce que quoi qu’ils fassent, ce n’est jamais assez..
Подкрепа за политиката на ЕС за Украйна и предоставянето на военна помощ и обучение на украинските въоръжени сили е изразил министърът на отбраната Тодор Тагарев по време на неформалната среща на министрите на отбраната на ЕС в Испания. По..
No podemos excluir un choque entre la OTAN y Rusia en el mar Negro pero tratamos de evitar esta escalada. Esto dependerá de las acciones de Moscú. Rusia no deja de provocar a la OTAN, incluso ampliando la zona en la cual ejerce control, ha señalado..
We cannot rule out a clash between NATO and Russia in the Black Sea, but we seek to avoid escalation. This will depend on Moscow's actions. Russia is constantly provoking NATO, including by expanding the area it controls, Bulgaria’s Minister of..
Polonia ha asumido el compromiso de reparar seis motores de los cazas búlgaros MiG-29, los únicos aviones de combate a los que cuenta para la vigilancia del su espacio aéreo, además de poseer los bombarderos de asalto Su-25, ambos de producción..
Ministri i mbrojtjes Todor Tagarev pranoi se Bullgaria ka probleme me mirëmbajtjen e avionëve MiG-29. Sipas tij, ato do të përdoren derisa të zëvendësohen me F-16. “MiG-29 mbahen me mund, por motorët e tyre nuk mund të mirëmbahen ashtu”, tha ai para..
Defence Minister Todor Tagarev admitted that Bulgaria has problems with the maintenance of its MiG-29 aircraft . He added that the planes should remain in service until they are replaced by F-16s. "The MiG-29s are upkept with an effort, but their..
Devant la commission parlementaire à la Défense, le ministre de la Défense Todor Tagarev a reconnu l'existence de problèmes dans la maintenance des avions de chasse MiG-29 qui doivent être exploités jusqu'à l'arrivée des premiers F-16 américains. "Les..