Këtë verë, hotelet tona malore, bujtinat dhe shtëpizat gëzojnë interes të madh turistik, veçanërisht në fundjavë, kur është pothuajse e pamundur të gjesh vende të lira, tregon një kontroll i Radio Bullgarisë. Disa baza janë të rezervuara paraprakisht..
Akademia e parë për barinjtë e quajtur “Në vathat Todorovi” bashkoi ata që dëshirojnë të mësojnë zanatin e bariut, zakonet e harruara tradicionale, praktikat dhe njohuritë e reja rreth blegtorisë, njofton BTA. Më shumë se 20 kandidatë barinj dhe 8..
A Belgian citizen was injured in the area of Mt Polezhan in Pirin , BTA reported. According to initial information, his leg was broken. The report was filed at 2 pm. A team of mountain rescuers from Bansko is already on its way to the injured..
Un homme originaire de Belgique a été blessé dans la région du sommet Poléjan dans le Pirin, a rapporté l’agence BTA. D’après l’information disponible, il a la jambe cassée. L’appel a été fait à 14 h. Une équipe du service de secours en montagne de..
Le pin de Baïkushev s’élève dans la montagne du Pirin, près de la station de ski Bansko. Son âge est estimé à plus de 1300 ans. Une énorme branche s’était cassée, ce qui avait entraîné l’arrêt temporaire des visites de ce phénomène naturel, pendant..
More than 700 digital nomads from all over the world arrived in the town of Bansko (Southwestern Bulgaria) for the second edition of Bansko Nomad Fest. The event is organized by Matthias Zeitler, founder of the co working- center in the resort town...
Summer is mountain hiking season, when hundreds of trekkers from Bulgaria and abroad pick up their trekking poles to start on their way up the mountains. However, the weather has continued unusually cool, and there is still snow in the upper reaches..
Fshati Dellçevo(Bullgaria Jugperëndimore) gjendet në rrëzë të malit të Pirinit, 10 kilometra larg qytetit Goce Dellçev. Ai tërheq turistët me arkitekturën e ruajtur të lashtë dhe rrugët e bukura malore. Janë ruajtur gjithashtu..
The village of Delchevo is located at the foot of the Pirin Mountain, some 10 kilometers away from the town of Gotse Delchev. It attracts tourists with preserved ancient architecture and beautiful mountain routes. Many old traditions have..
Le 3 avril, le ciel sera couvert dès la matinée. Des précipitations intenses en provenance du sud du pays sont à prévoir dès la mi-journée, dans l’après-midi et pendant la nuit du 4 avril, elles s’étendront sur l’ouest et le centre de la Bulgarie,..