Cadeți din Vietnam se antrenează la Academia Forțelor Aeriene Gheorghi Benkovski din Dolna Mitropolia. În acest an vor studia limba bulgară, după care va începe pregătirea lor de zbor. Asta a declarat astăzi la Pleven șeful școlii, generalul de brigadă..
A military ritual was held at Dolna Mitropolia air base to honour the memory of Major Petko Dimitrov and 1 st Lieutenant Ventsislav Dunkin who were killed, on 13 September this year, when their L-39 ZA aircraft crashed during training for an air..
La base aérienne de Dolna Mitropolia ouvre ses portes aux visiteurs et amateurs de haute voltige à l'occasion d'une cérémonie prévue à 10H00 ce samedi, 30 mars. Des démonstrations aériennes seront faites avec figures de voltige par les pilotes de la..
Ein Sturz in der letzten Kurve kostete Weltmeister Marc Reiner Schmidt den Sieg beim Auftakt der SuperMoto S1GP-Weltmeisterschaft auf dem Flughafengelände Dolna Mitropolia. Der Deutsche gewann das erste Rennen und das Fast Race, wurde aber im..
A crash in the last corner cost world champion Marc Reiner Schmidt the victory in the SuperMoto S1GP World Championship at the airport complex in Dolna Mitropolia near Pleven. The German won the first moto and the fast race but finished third in the..