Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа
Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev

Police operation underway in Bulgaria after murder of Bulgarian citizen in South Africa

Bulgaria’s Ministry of the Interior has taken action to obtain all information concerning the murder of Krasimir Kamenov a.k.a Kuro, his wife and two other individuals in the Republic of South Africa, said Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev at a..

26.05.23 15:25 |
Lucian Bode (L) and Ivan Demerdzhiev

Interior ministers of Bulgaria and Romania discuss the two countries’ accession to Schengen

The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen area as early as 2023, joint action for countering illegal migration and facilitating border traffic between Bulgaria and Romania – these were the main talking points during the meeting between..

19.05.23 12:06 |
Ivan Demerdzhiev

Prosecutor General should have come to his senses long ago and introduced the rule of law, the Interior Minister said

I have long appealed to the prosecutor's office and in particular to Ivan Geshev to open their eyes to what is happening in the country, Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev said on Monday on the occasion of the prosecutor general's statement that there..

15.05.23 13:32 |
Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev

Interior Minister: Geshev travelled alone in the vehicle with his guards during attack

Bulgaria's Chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev travelled alone in the jeep with his bodyguards, interior minister Ivan Demerdzhiev told the parliament in response to a parliamentary question. "The route on which Geshev drove was usual for him. I personally..

05.05.23 10:38 |
Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev

Interior Minister: There are suspects in the attack on the Attorney General

There are suspects in the assassination attempt against Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev, Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev announced after a meeting of the secret services, but refused to give details.  "We are investigating all possibilities to trace..

02.05.23 13:37 |

Authorities investigate incident with the Attorney General's motorcade

On May 1, at noon, there was an accident with the motorcade of Bulgaria's chief prosecutor at a sharp turn from the Sofia - Samokov road. No one was injured, reported the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Petar Todorov. The road is closed..

01.05.23 16:07 |
Ivan Demerdzhiev

Bulgaria așteaptă aproximativ 200 de milioane de euro de la UE pentru securizarea graniței cu Turcia

Presiunea asupra frontierei dintre Bulgaria și Turcia  a crescut cu aproape 50% de la începutul anului 2023. Aproximativ 500 de migranți ilegali încearcă să treacă în Bulgaria în fiecare zi, dar majoritatea încercărilor eșuează, a declarat ministrul de..

23.04.23 19:57 |
Ivan Demerdzhiev, caretaker interior minister

Interior Ministry reports no buying of votes was allowed in the elections

The election process ended without serious incidents . We managed to cope with the task of ensuring the security of the elections, said the caretaker Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev, presenting summarized data on the work of the police during the..

03.04.23 13:43 |
Deputy chief secretary of the Interior Ministry Chief Commissioner Stanimir Stanev

Interior Ministry: Under no circumstances will the election process be terminated

Under no circumstances is a termination of the election process envisaged, deputy chief secretary of the Interior Ministry Chief Commissioner Stanimir Stanev said. Central Election Commission public council: Trust the security authorities..

31.03.23 13:27 |

Autoritățile bulgare vor elabora o procedură de răspuns la amenințările cu bombă

Un grup de lucru interdepartamental va pregăti până pe 31 martie o procedură de răspuns la amenințarea cu bombă împotriva entităților din infrastructura critică, a anunțat ministrul de Interne Ivan Demerdzhiev.  Grupul include 36 de reprezentanți ai..

29.03.23 12:15 |
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