Pe 6 ianuarie 2025, de Epifanie, bulgarii sărbătoresc 177 de ani de la nașterea poetului și revoluționarului Hristo Botev. Cu această ocazie, atmosfera din Kalofer - orașul natal al lui Botev, este specială, a relatat Dimitar Vladimirov de la Radio..
Ortodoks Kilisesi’nin 6 Ocak günü kutladığı Teofani Yortusunun yanısıra bugün şair Hristo Botev , doğumunun 177. yılında anılıyor. Plovdiv Radyosundan Dimitar Vladimirov’un aktardığı habere göre, Kalofer kasabasında günün erken saatlerinde..
On January 6, Epiphany, Bulgarians celebrate 177 years since the birth of poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev. On this occasion, the atmosphere in Kalofer - Botev's hometown, is special, Dimitar Vladimirov from Radio Plovdiv has..
Kalofer, ville natale de Christo Botev, marque les 177 ans de la naissance de ce grand poète et révolutionnaire bulgare, annonce Dimitar Vladimirov de Radio Plovdiv. La journée a commencé par le khoro glacé traditionnel de la Théophanie dans les eaux de..
El 6 de enero, una de las fiestas cristianas más veneradas, la Epifanía, celebramos además el 177 aniversario del nacimiento del poeta-revolucionario Hristo Botev según el calendario de nuevo estilo. En este día, hay un ambiente especial en Kalofer,..
Ce n’est pas grave si on prend un peu de temps à adopter le budget. La loi sur les finances publiques a prévu ce qui s’ensuit quand on n’a pas de budget. C’est ce qu’a annoncé depuis la ville de Kalofer la présidente du parlement Natalia Kissélova. La..
This year, as always, hundreds of brave men from the town of Kalofer and the whole country will embark on January 6 - Epiphany - in a men's dance in the icy waters of the Tundzha River . It is believed that anyone who enters the cold water of Epiphany..
The 19 th national fair for preserving the local Bulgarian breeds of farm animals took place in the town of Kalofer. The aim of the event is to popularize and preserve the traditional Bulgarian breeds which are key to preserving biodiversity..
Mitglieder der bulgarischen Armee werden an feierlichen Ritualen zum Gedenken an den Dichter und Revolutionär Christo Botew und an diejenigen, die für die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit Bulgariens gefallen sind, teilnehmen, die im ganzen Land organisiert..
Hundreds of men danced the horo in the cold waters of the river Tunja in Kalofer. Clad in folk costumes and with the national flag in hand, to the sound of drums and bagpipes, they sang a popular folk song. Epiphany or Yordanovden..