La voie qui mène à notre adhésion à la zone euro est un processus clair et bien structuré qui apportera stabilité et prévisibilité institutionnelle à notre pays. La zone euro est le second marché financier au monde et comprend certains des pays les..
The advantages of Bulgaria’s joining the Eurozone by far outweigh the risks, and now, more than 20 years after the introduction of the currency board, when the Bulgarian Lev was first pegged to the Deutsche mark and then to the euro, many experts are..
Bulgaria was about to have the most reform-minded cabinet, said Nikolay Vassilev at a press conference of "There is Such a People" party. Initially, Nikolay Vassilev was nominated for the position of Prime Minister of Bulgaria, but later ITN withdrew..
Le projet de gouvernement qui avait été présenté par l’ITP aurait été le plus réformateur de la transition bulgare, a déclaré dans le cadre d’une conférence de presse du parti « Il y a un tel peuple » l’ex-candidat premier ministre du parti de Slavy..
The leader of There is Such a People party Slavi Trifonov has withdrawn the nomination of Nikolay Vassilev for the position of Prime Minister of Bulgaria. Slavi Trifonov will soon nominate another person for this position and will propose a revised..
“ITN (There Is Such a People) is not involved in any underhand dealings and is not lining up ministers in anyone’s rabbit hutch or in anyone’s seraglio. Our nomination for a cabinet is not Boyko’s (Borissov), nor is it Ahmed’s (Dogan),” ITN leader..
Le parti "Il y a un tel peuple"/ITP/ n'entrera pas dans une coalition mais proposera à l'Assemblée nationale son propre gouvernement. C'est ce qu'a annoncé le leader d'ITP Slavy Trifonov. " Nous ne ferons de coalition ni avec GERB, ni avec le PS ou le MDL...
The draft budget for 2021, submitted for discussion in the National Assembly by the Ministry of Finance, has provoked contradictory reactions and some confusion among the country's financiers. Perhaps most harsh in his..