Podcast en español

author: Albena Bezovska

”Ocak- evin en kutsal yeri”

Geleneksel Bulgar kültüründe ev, duaların, törenlerin, kutlamaların düzenlendiği ve kurban edildiği bir tapınaktır. Evin en özel yerleri ise sofra ve ocak, ki onlar da insanı koruyan güçlerin bir sembolü olarak karşımıza çıkıyorlar. Bir zamanlar..

31.01.14 14:08 |

Folk singer Boris Mashalov – 100 years since his birth

Some people are blessed with a long and happy life, others pass on before their time. But few leave an imprint on the generations to come – those who have touched the hearts of friends, relatives, of their contemporaries. On January 30..

30.01.14 12:05 |

Homenaje a Boris Mashalov en su centenario

Hay personas bendecidas con tener una vida larga y feliz. Otras abandonan este mundo muy pronto. Sin embargo, son pocos quienes dejan un recuerdo imborrable para las generaciones siguientes. Son las personas que lograron tocar el alma de sus..

30.01.14 11:03 |

Rock legend Georgi Mintchev

Georgi Mintchev has left a bright vestige as one of the pioneers of Bulgarian rock music in the 1960s. To this day his songs have numerous fans and often feature on the repertoire of present-day rock musicians: from the romantic pieces White..

27.01.14 12:19 |

Young Girl – a song from the soundtrack of Hummingbird

A Bulgarian song has been included in the soundtrack of a Hollywood action movie. The news broke more than a year ago, was taken up by the media and was then gradually forgotten, to be reawakened a few days ago – probably by journalists who..

24.01.14 15:36 |

Folk singer Desislava Dimcheva

She is a talented performer, a TV journalist, host of a traditional music show at the Bulgarian National TV Regional Centre in Blagoevgrad. Desislava Dimcheva has graduated the Philip Koutev National School of Folk Arts and the Southwestern..

23.01.14 13:37 |

La marrana en el folclore búlgaro

Hay un animal, habitualmente ironizado y menospreciado, que, sin embargo, ocupa un lugar de honor en la cultura tradicional de los búlgaros. En la mitología de muchos pueblos la cerda o marrana, y,   se asocia a la Diosa Madre, lo cual posiblemente se..

23.01.14 11:58 |

Desislava Dimcheva: “Algunas de mis canciones muestran cómo percibo el folclore y su continuidad en la época moderna”

Desislava es una cantante exitosa, periodista televisiva, presentadora de un programa de música tradicional en el Centro Regional de la Televisión Nacional Búlgara en Blagoevgrad. Se ha graduado por la Escuela Nacional de Artes Folclóricas en la..

22.01.14 15:03 |

Water and traditional purification rituals in January

Essential element and a symbol of earthly life, water holds a special place in the mythology of all peoples. Its purification and blessing force is present in the various religious systems of the world. For Bulgarians water is a symbol of..

19.01.14 09:15 |

Sudan gelen şifa

Hayatın simgesi olan, su, tüm halk mitolojilerde yer alıyor. Şifa gücüne sahip su, dünyada tüm dini sistemlerin bir parçasıdır. Bizler için su, temizliğin ve dünya ile ahiret arasında bir araçtır. Su, tedavi gücüne sahip olurken kötülüğü kovuyor ve yolunu..

10.01.14 12:37 |