En la cultura tradicional búlgara la casa es un templo en que se rezan oraciones, se practican ritos y sacrificios. Ocupan un puesto especial los ritos practicados alrededor de la mesa y en torno al hogar al ser considerados éstos símbolos..
Music experts know Stancho Stoilov as one of the symbols of Graovo- a relatively small sub-district in Shopluka region which is known for its specific folklore heritage. Younger performers study patterns from his music repertoire and..
In traditional Bulgarian culture the home is a temple where prayers are said, rituals and sacrifices performed. A special role is assigned to the practices around the table and the hearth – material symbols of intangible forces which..
Geleneksel Bulgar kültüründe ev, duaların, törenlerin, kutlamaların düzenlendiği ve kurban edildiği bir tapınaktır. Evin en özel yerleri ise sofra ve ocak, ki onlar da insanı koruyan güçlerin bir sembolü olarak karşımıza çıkıyorlar. Bir zamanlar..
Some people are blessed with a long and happy life, others pass on before their time. But few leave an imprint on the generations to come – those who have touched the hearts of friends, relatives, of their contemporaries. On January 30..
Hay personas bendecidas con tener una vida larga y feliz. Otras abandonan este mundo muy pronto. Sin embargo, son pocos quienes dejan un recuerdo imborrable para las generaciones siguientes. Son las personas que lograron tocar el alma de sus..
Georgi Mintchev has left a bright vestige as one of the pioneers of Bulgarian rock music in the 1960s. To this day his songs have numerous fans and often feature on the repertoire of present-day rock musicians: from the romantic pieces White..
A Bulgarian song has been included in the soundtrack of a Hollywood action movie. The news broke more than a year ago, was taken up by the media and was then gradually forgotten, to be reawakened a few days ago – probably by journalists who..
She is a talented performer, a TV journalist, host of a traditional music show at the Bulgarian National TV Regional Centre in Blagoevgrad. Desislava Dimcheva has graduated the Philip Koutev National School of Folk Arts and the Southwestern..
Hay un animal, habitualmente ironizado y menospreciado, que, sin embargo, ocupa un lugar de honor en la cultura tradicional de los búlgaros. En la mitología de muchos pueblos la cerda o marrana, y, se asocia a la Diosa Madre, lo cual posiblemente se..
Según la creencia popular, el color rojo tiene el poder del sol y da vitalidad a todo ser vivo, mientras que el blanco simboliza la pureza, la inocencia y..
Cuando llegó por primera vez a Bulgaria, Alexander Acosta Osorio se sintió aislado y algo confuso por la barrera del idioma, y por el shock cultural...
El talentoso joven pintor Nedislav Peev, diagnosticado con un 90% de autismo, desde hoy dispone de una galería propia en la ciudad norteña de Dobrich...