Bulgaria will negotiate with France and Sweden to use their fighter aircraft until the first US-made F-16 jets are received in 2025, Bulgarian Minister of Defense Dimitar Stoyanov said. Talks with the French delegation are..
The ministers of "BSP for Bulgaria" have left the meeting of the Council of Ministers, where the offer received from the USA for a second batch of eight F-16s and the progress of the negotiations were discussed. The news was reported to..
The United States has not exerted any pressure on Bulgaria with regard to the North Macedonia issue, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United States Georgi Panayotov said hours after US President Joe Biden officially accepted his..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov participated at the EU Foreign Affairs Council (Defense) in Brussels . Minister Zakov talked with his Italian counterpart Lorenzo Guerini about Bulgaria's need for alternative fighter jets..
Bulgarian fighter jets have once again escorted a passenger plane through the airspace of Bulgaria after a signal was received for an explosive device on board. On Monday, Turkish Airlines plane flying to Antalya was escorted..
The Royal Netherlands Air Force has redeployed four F-35s to Graf Ignatievo Air Base in Bulgaria. The fighter jets will perform enhanced airspace protection tasks jointly with Bulgarian Air Force until 31 May this year. The Air Forces of..
The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of eight F-16 aircraft and related equipment to Bulgaria totaling 1.673 billion dollars, Reuters reports. The Defense and Security Cooperation Agency has already provided the Congress..
Bulgaria will now be able to purchase military equipment and pay in instalments under new contracts with the USA. This is what the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency wrote to the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense. The opportunity to pay in instalments..
The Bulgarian National Assembly has amended the 2019 state budget and increased the budget of the Ministry of Defense with EUR 1.07 billion. The amendment of the state budget aims to provide financing for the purchase of 8 new multi-role fighter jets..
At a meeting on Wednesday, the caretaker government adopted the conclusions of the special committee set up for the acquiring of a new type of fighter jets. The committee has placed Sweden’s SAAB Gripen jets offer at first place, it was reported. The..