"After the "Debora" case, we have an avalanche of reports of domestic violence, as well as requests that have been filed with the regional courts," said Zornitsa Shumanova, head of the newly created unit for domestic violence at the General Directorate..
Creation of a National Information System for all cases of domestic violence with data on who the victims are, what violence was inflicted on them, what actions were taken, who are the responsible institutions is one of the 15 measures for the..
The Ministries of Interior, Labour and Social Policy, Justice and Education and Science will propose today to Premier Nikolay Denkov measures against aggression. The measures have been drawn up after Bulgaria’s Prime Minister instructed the ministers..
A national protest against violence against women is taking place for the second time in a number of towns and cities across the country today. In Sofia, the demonstration is mottoed “No to violence!”. The organizers are demanding policies..
From 6 p.m. in front of the courthouses in over 40 cities and towns in Bulgaria and in front of the Bulgarian embassies in Berlin, Paris and Copenhagen /from 8 p.m. local time/ protests have been called in support of a sadistically abused girl from the..
Bulgaria strongly condemns the violence against the NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR) and expresses full solidarity with the wounded servicemen, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry wrote on Twitter. We call on all parties to de-escalate. The..
Domestic violence in Bulgaria has no official statistics and there is no adequately enforced law. According to NGOs, nearly 1 million women are victims in this country; the exact number of men and children who have experienced psychological,..
Bulgaria will not tolerate violence against the Bulgarians in the Republic of North Macedonia, nor against Bulgarian citizens and will use all national and international instruments to protect their rights. This was what Bulgarian..
Bulgaria’s National Assembly condemned the acts of violence against ethnic Bulgarians in North Macedonia - especially the crime against the secretary of a Bulgarian cultural club Hristian Pendikov. The MPs called on the institutions to take..
Everyone sometimes needs a shoulder to lean on and a friend to share with. However, when you are a child or have already entered the turbulent years of maturation, finding someone to listen, reassure and advise you can not only change you, but..