The largest Bulgarian trade union, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (KNSB), is pushing for the minimum wage to be increased to 760 leva (388 euro) from July 1. More than one minimum wage hike per year expected Ah..
After more than four hours of discussions, the MPs adopted at first reading the Social Security Act with 129 votes in favour, 92 against and no abstentions. Among the planned changes is the increase of the minimum wage from 650 (332.34 EUR) to..
In the next draft budget, the caretaker government proposes that the minimum wage be BGN 710 (EUR 363). "At the moment we do not have a clear mechanism for determining the minimum wage. It is determined administratively and largely unclear," said Shteryo..
Bulgaria’s debt limit has been set at 2.25 billion euro, 1.9 billion euro has so far been taken out, announced caretaker Minister of Finance Valeri Belchev during his participation in the discussion “The government talking, openly!” in the..
Caretaker Finance Minister Valeri Belchev has proposed an increase in the minimum wage, maternity allowance and child benefits. "Over 750,000 people in the country receive a minimum wage of 332 euros a month . This amount is extremely insufficient. We..
The prices of goods and services in Bulgaria have started to go up. This is after a threefold increase in natural gas prices since the beginning of the year and an increase in heating and electricity prices in mid-summer. Globally,..
In 2020 the minimum wage in Bulgaria stood at 1.87 euro an hour – the lowest in the EU. Data of the European Trade Union Institute regarding the lowest statutory remuneration in the European countries show that North Macedonia is the only..
Bulgaria's accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Schengen area and the Eurozone is a priority of the Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations for 2021. At a general press conference, the..
The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation will hold an online meeting today to discuss a draft decree of the Council of Ministers determining the amount of the minimum wage for the country, the government press center announced. Representatives..
The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) is against а uniform regulation in the EU of the minimum wages and of collective bargaining . In a letter to Bulgaria's Prime Minister, BIA rejects the European Commission's proposal to adopt a framework..