The Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg has ruled that the Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office cannot issue European arrest warrants. The reason is that the Bulgarian legislation does not provide for judicial control of the..
The Prosecutors' College of the Supreme Judicial Council has decided to send additional information to the European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kövesi about Bulgarian candidates for European D elegated P rosecutors. Such..
A total of 259,600 Bulgarians applied for residenc e status in the United Kingdom by the end of 2020. The status gives them the right for visa-free life and work in the UK after Brexit. Th e number of applicants is twice..
Denaturated alcohol sold as disinfectant and hypnosis against coronavirus are some of the dangerous products that have been offered on the Bulgarian market since the beginning of the epidemic, Dimitar Margaritov,..
Bulgaria, alongside Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, Finland, Portugal and the Netherlands are the best performers in terms of EU Cohesion policy spending , the European Commission writes. During the 2014-2020 programming period Bulgaria had..
“The implementation of the strategic security programme during the 2019-2024 period continues to be a staunch commitment of the EU leaders,” said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a video conference of the EU leaders. The focus on the second day..
The EU does not work like Yugoslavia and we have been telling this to Skopje since 2019. Our only and constant message to them is for honest dialogue that is not held through media. This was what Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina..
Bulgaria will support the introduction of a vaccination passport or "green electronic corridors" for European citizens who have been vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19. This was what Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said. The..
Bulgaria is the country in the EU where women give birth to their first child at the youngest age , according to Eurostat. The average age at which Bulgarian women give birth to their first child was26.3 years in 2019, according to Eurostat. Romania..
The action plan between Bulgaria and North Macedonia is ready at 99% and this gives hope for a government conference in the next few weeks. Such a conference should create an appropriate atmosphere ahead of the talks that North..