Her name is Rita Sanchez Yordanova but everyone in Kozloduy calls her Filipina. Why? Because she is the only Filipina in this small Bulgarian town on the bank of the Danube. She is also young, beautiful, with waist-length hair and full of..
Citizens of all countries outside the EU will not have the right to enter Bulgaria until January 31, an order of the Minister of Health reads. It enters into force on December 1 and it is actually a 2-month extension of the regime introduced in..
In September 2020, the number of trips of Bulgarians nationals abroad amounted to 555,600, which was 15% less than those registered in September 2019 , the National Statistical Institute announced. The number of visits of foreign nationals to..
For the past 6 months, the European Consumer Center (ECC) in this country has received many complaints about delayed and canceled flights, as well as about failed vacations abroad, director of the center Sonya Spasova has told BNR. According to..
Sweden withdrew its recommendation to its citizens to refrain from travelling to Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Romania for non-essential purposes , Reuters informs. Stockholm has also withdrawn its recommendations to its citizens to avoid travelling to..
447 , 2 00 Bulgarians travelled to tourist destinations during the second quarter of the year, BTA reports. Only 6.8 % of them travelled abroad, 92.7% travelled inside Bulgaria only, and 0.5% made trips inside the country as well as to..
On July 13 Finland is opening its borders for tourists from 17 European countries. The borders will only be open to EU countries that recorded fewer than 8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within the last 14 days. Restrictions for a number of..
Due to the ongoing restrictions on travel from third countries to EU countries, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry recommends that travellers from Bulgaria to EU countries and the Schengen area countries should not use transit flights through third..
Bulgarian citizens can travel to the United States, but not through countries of the Schengen zone, Great Britain or Ireland, the US Embassy in Sofia reported. Travelers with a US visa en route to the United States cannot pass transit through airports in..
63 . 7 % of Bulgarians are planning to travel immediately or up to 2 months after the restrictions are lifted. 65.6% say they will travel as often as before the pandemic, and 10.5% - even more often. The first destination 54% of the..