An additional three sections, or a total of 11, have been opened in Belgium for voting of Bulgarian citizens in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Bulgaria on April 4. In Luxembourg, 2 sections will be opened for the first time. There will..
Bulgaria's Central Election Commission (CEC) has determined the places in 69 countries where there will be polling stations Bulgaria for voting in the upcoming parliamentary elections on April 4. According to the foreign ministry, there will..
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. These words sound like a cliché to many of us, but the return to the 1990’s is quite useful on the eve of the upcoming Parliamentary elections when Bulgarians are to decide to whom..
Bulgarians abroad show a huge interest in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections, which raises the questions how to organize elections amidst the coronavirus pandemic and how to guarantee the voting rights of each Bulgarian citizen...
As of March 8, a 24-hour telephone line and an e-mail for reporting signals related to the elections will start functioning, Chief Commissioner Nikolay Hadzhiev, Director of Chief Directorate of National Police. These signals will be processed in..
Voting machines for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Bulgaria are stored in a warehouse guarded by the gendarmerie as access to the premises is controlled. In connection with the doubts expressed by politicians that there are people with criminal..
As of today the election campaign is officially on in Bulgaria. It will last 29 days and will officially end at 24.00 hours on 2 April, 2021, by a decision of the Central Electoral Commission. 24 hours before the holding of the parliamentary..
The upcoming parliamentary elections in Bulgaria are the most important elections for the country since the start of the transition to democracy in 1989, analysts say. The countdown to election day has begun. How many people will go to the polls –..
There will be almost twice as many political parties competing for the votes of Bulgarians during the parliamentary elections on April 4. This has become clear after the end of the registration campaign in the Central Election Commission. The..
Today, February 17, is the deadline by which political parties and coalitions can declare to the Central Electoral Commissio their desire to run in the April 4 parliamentary elections. In order to be registered, parties and coalitions also submit lists..