Kozloduy NPP EAD has finished the first half of 2018 with significantly improved financial performance in comparison to 2017. This is seen in the nuclear plant’s report for the first six months of 2018, published by the Ministry of Finance. For the..
En el año 1876, en vísperas del 17 de mayo, de la ciudad rumana de Giurgiu, a orillas del río Danubio, rumbo a la sufriente bajo el dominio otomano Bulgaria salió un destacamento de emigrantes búlgaros, encabezado por el revolucionario y poeta Jristo..
Earlier today Unit 5 of Bulgaria’s Kozloduy NPP has been stopped from operation for planned annual repair works, the NPP press service said. The reactor will be loaded with fresh nuclear fuel for the next fuel cycle. The repair will continue until the..
The year was 1876 and in the night of May 17th a military detachment of Bulgarian emigrants started their trip from the Romanian city of Giurgiu towards suffering Bulgaria, which had been under Ottoman rule for 5 centuries. Leader was poet and..