Podkrepa Confederation of Labour’s “Education” trade union stated it was against the idea for the regional health inspectorates to fine teachers and school headmasters if a student is not wearing a mask at school. “Let us all say, in one..
"The social distancing will be felt today, when only students from I, V, VIII and XII grades will be physically present in the school yards," school psychologist Gergana Krumova said in an interview for the BNR on the first day of the new school year in..
"I am frightened by the level of spreading false news, rumours and all sorts of conspiracy theories, " Bulgaria's state health inspector Angel Kunchev told Nova TV on the opening day of the school year in Bulgaria. According to him, too many people..
Bulgarian students are excited about September 15 when they will go to the classrooms for the first time after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the state of emergency. Along with the joy of meeting their classmates again, a problem..
“During the new school year students in Bulgaria will be able to study at remote learning nucleus schools. The other option is to study via virtual link to a real classroom together, for up to 30 days,” Minister of Education and Science Krasimir..
Six new Covid-19 cases have been confirmed in Bulgaria over the past 24 hours. Three of them have been hospitalized. There are no persons aged under 18 among them, and no medical staff. There are no deaths over the past 24 hours . The total..
Bulgarian schools will complete the 2019/2020 academic year via distance learning as students will return to the classrooms only in order to take their final exams . This decision was taken today by Bulgaria's Education and Science Minister Krasimir..
Parents and unions of teachers in Bulgaria strongly oppose the idea of reopening schools before the end of the school year. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov mentioned such an option for students in grades 7 and 12 who are about to apply for admission to..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister has asked the Minister of Education for a clear plan for the completion of the school year for students in the 7th and 12th grades of the Bulgarian school system . It is important for them to physically complete the school year..
According to mathematical models, Bulgaria has experienced one peak of Covid-19, which was in early April. After that, there has been a decline and the country is now climbing to the next pea k, the head of the National Covid-19 Crisis Staff, Gen...