Bulgaria's Tourism Minister Ilin Dimitrov has expressed expectations that the upcoming winter season will be better than the previous one , which, in his words, hit a record. "The bookings are going very well, I hope there will be no sharp turns in the..
“The winter tourist season will be just as successful as the summer season. We expect a return of British tourists, and many others who had disappeared during the pandemic,” said Rumen Draganov from the Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism..
The number of foreign tourists visiting Sofia has increased with 90% as compared to 2021, the Director of the Municipal Enterprise for Tourism in Sofia Ivo Marinov said for the BNR. The average length of stay of foreign tourists in Bulgaria’s capital..
One of the most important tourism forums in Varna on the Black Sea kicks off on 7 October and will end on Sunday. More than 100 companies providing products and services in tourism – resorts, hotel chains, holiday villages, guest..
Birdwatching, or the observation of birds in their natural environment, has been becoming an increasingly popular type of tourism in Bulgaria, Petar Yankov, one of the most famous ornithologists in this country, has told BTA. Decades..
People working in the sphere of tourism say the outgoing summer season at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast has been chaotic and unpredictable. Despite preliminary concerns related to the war in Ukraine, the pandemic and the economic..
Bulgarians travelling to the Greek coastal resorts are waiting in a long car line at the Kulata-Promachonas border crossing at the Bulgaria-Greece border, a reporter of Radio Bulgaria informed. According to eyewitnesses, passenger vehicles formed a..
The hotels on the southern portion of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast continue to welcome tourists in September, the correspondent of the Bulgarian National Radio in Burgas Nina Rangelova reported. Prepayments have already been made and holidays are..
Against the backdrop of forecasts for a warm September, Bulgaria's Ministry of Tourism has decided to invite journalists, influencers, bloggers and vloggers from Europe to see with their own eyes that Bulgaria is a beautiful and peaceful country. This is..
In the second quarter of 2022, 1.076 million Bulgarians travelled for tourism. The majority of them - 80% - traveled only domestically, 15.7% - only abroad, and 4.3% traveled both domestically and abroad, the National Statistical Institute said...