Eмисия новини
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Η Βουλγαρία πρώτη στην Ευρώπη σε αριθμό καθηγητών που εκπαιδεύτηκαν στο CERN

Περισσότεροι από 800 είναι οι Βούλγαροι καθηγητές φυσικών επιστημών, που καταρτίστηκαν στο CERN τα τελευταία 14 χρόνια, ενημερώνει η Σνεζίνα Ντιμιτρόβα, διευθύντρια του Αστεροσκοπείου με Πλανητάριο στη Βάρνα. Η ομάδα του αστεροσκοπείου ήταν η..

22.10.22 11:45 |

Bulgaria ranks No. 1 in Europe in number of teachers trained at CERN

More than 800 Bulgarian science teachers have been trained at CERN in the last 14 years, says Svezhina Dimitrova, director of the Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium in Varna. The observatory team was the first to make contact with the European..

22.10.22 11:25 |

Bulgarien hat europaweit die meisten Lehrer, die an CERN ausgebildet wurden

Mehr als 800 bulgarische Lehrer für Naturwissenschaften wurden in den letzten 14 Jahren an der Europäischen Organisation für Kernforschung (CERN) ausgebildet, informiert Swezhina Dimitrowa, Direktorin des Observatoriums in Warna. Das Team des..

22.10.22 11:20 |

Bullgaria është e para në Evropë për nga numri i mësuesve që kanë kaluar trajnime në CERN

Më shumë se 800 mësues bullgarë të shkencave natyrore janë trajnuar në CERN gjatë 14 viteve të fundit, raportoi Svezhina Dimitrova, drejtore e Observatorit të Planetariumit të Varnës. Ekipi i observatorit ishte i pari që kontaktoi me Organizatën..

22.10.22 11:15 |
Τατιάνα Ιβανόβα

Βουλγαρόπουλα ρωτούν την αστροναύτη Άννα Φίσερ

Παιδιά ηλικίας από 6 έως 19 χρονών μπορούν να απευθύνουν ερωτήσεις στην αστροναύτη Άννα Φίσερ και τους εργαζόμενους στο CERN, ανακοίνωσαν οι διοργανωτές του Νεανικού Επιστημονικού Φεστιβάλ «Έλα, Διάστημα! Μιλά η Βουλγαρία!». Για τον σκοπό πρέπει να..

03.09.22 12:13 |

Bulgarian children to put questions to astronaut Anna Fisher

Children aged between 6 and 19 will have the opportunity to put questions to astronaut Anna Fisher and people working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN ) , the organisers from the youth science festival “Hello Space!..

03.09.22 11:58 |

15 vjet Bullgaria në Bashkimin Evropian

Me ardhjen e Vitit të Ri 2022 fillon viti i 15-të i anëtarësimit të plotë të Bullgarisë në Bashkimin Evropian. Duke iu drejtuar kombit, Kryeministri Kirill Petkov vuri në dukje se ka ardhur koha që Bullgaria të luajë një rol aktiv dhe konstruktiv..

01.01.22 14:34 |

Il y a 15 ans, la Bulgarie adhérait à l'Union européenne...

"La nouvelle année 2022 est celle du 15e anniversaire de l'adhésion de la Bulgarie à l'Union européenne", a déclaré le premier ministre Kiril Pétkov dans ses vœux de Nouvel An. "Il est grand temps que la Bulgarie joue un rôle actif et constructif dans le..

01.01.22 13:44 |

15 Jahre Bulgarien in der Europäischen Union

2022 beginnt das 15. Jahr der Vollmitgliedschaft Bulgariens in der Europäischen Union. In einer Ansprache an die Nation stellte Premierminister Kyrill Petkow fest, dass es für Bulgarien an der Zeit sei, eine aktive und konstruktive Rolle bei der..

01.01.22 13:26 |

15 years since Bulgaria joined the EU

The start of the new year marks 15 years since Bulgaria’s full membership of the European Union. In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov stated that the time had come for Bulgaria to play an active and constructive role in the..

01.01.22 13:25 |
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