Nessebar Belediyesi Ankara’da Kuğulu Park’ta şehrin ve Karadeniz sahillerinin güzelliklerini Türklere tanıtan bir program düzenledi. 40 yıldan ber UNESCO Dünya Kültür ve Tarihi Miras listesinde yer alan kadim kent, doğa, tarih, mimari eserler,..
The Christmas “Nessebar half marathon” starts this morning from Messembria square with the participation of almost 500 runners from all over Bulgaria, as well as from other countries. One of the aims of this year’s edition is to draw..
Under the motto "All together for sport" , the Ministry of Youth and Sports is organising a European Week of Sport #BeActive. The official opening of its ninth edition will take place today at 6 PM in front of the capital's National Palace of Culture...
UNESCO a confirmat limitele extinse ale Patrimoniului cultural mondial tangibil Nessebar Vechi. Cea de-a 45-a sesiune a Comitetului Patrimoniului Mondial, care se desfășoară în capitala saudită Riyadh, a adăugat la zona protejată, zona de apă din..
UNESCO has confirmed the extended boundaries of the world material cultural heritage in Bulgaria's Ancient Nessebar architectural reserve on the Black Sea coast. The 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which is being held in the Saudi..
Nessebar bleibt auf der Liste des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes, teilte das Kulturministerium mit. Diese Entscheidung wurde auf der 45. erweiterten Tagung der Weltorganisation in Riad getroffen. An der Spitze der bulgarischen Delegation vertrat..
Nessebar remains a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bulgarian Ministry of Culture has announced. The decision was taken at the Extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, which was held in Riyadh . At the head of the Bulgarian..
La Prof. Bettany Hughes, historienne britannique connue surtout comme la présentatrice de l’émission télévisée Les trésors du monde , diffusée dans 120 pays, est arrivée en Bulgarie. Elle s’est rendue à Petritch pour tourner les premières images des..
On today's Day of St. Paraskeva - patroness of Ravda and patron of the local church, one of Bulgaria's most famous Black Sea villages will celebrate its holiday. The day will begin with the traditional solemn liturgy in the church named after the..
Cet été, les visiteurs de Nessebar auront l’occasion d’agrémenter leurs vacances à la mer avec des randonnées dans les contreforts de la Stara planina. Un nouveau sentier écologique de 4 631 m a été inauguré dans la région de cette station balnéaire..