European People's Party MEP Andrey Novakov insists that the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control check the bill proposed by the Democratic Bulgaria party, which interfered in the activities of the Counter-Corruption..
“ Съвременния живот е много динамичен, социалните мрежи се претрупват. В този смисъл малките неща трябва да придобият определена форма, за да се различават. Бизнес форматите много често нямат нищо общо с правенето на изкуство и не казват обикновените..
The Monitoring Group on Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (DRFMG) at the European Parliament is to discuss the situation in Bulgaria at today's meeting. Representatives of the government and the Prosecutor's Office of Bulgaria,..
32 Prozent der Bulgaren befürworten die Maßnahmen, die die Regierung gegen Covid-19 getroffen hat, während 64 Prozent der entgegengesetzten Meinung sind. Das geht aus der dritten soziologischen Umfrage hervor, die dieses Jahr vom Europäischen..
The European Parliament is expected to adopt the final text of the resolution on Bulgaria today. Before that, the debate on a total of 49 amendments to the text will continue, most of which soften criticism in the document. MEP from the European..
At 8 pm Bulgarian time, MEPs are discussing a resolution on Bulgaria that is to be voted on October 8. Only speakers pre-selected by parliamentary groups are to talk. Positions remain polarized between defenders of the resolution, which was..
With 35 votes in favor, 30 against and 1 abstention the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs has adopted a draft resolution on Bulgaria. It calls on the European Commission to continue monitoring..
„Aufgrund von Problemen mit der Rechtsstaatlichkeit kann unser Land EU-Mittel verlieren“. Das erklärte der Europaabgeordnete Radan Kanew, Mitglied der Europäischen Volkspartei, in einem Interview für den Fernsehsender bTV. Ihm zufolge sei es durchaus..
In the beginning of October, the European Parliament will hold a debate in plenary on the rule of law in Bulgaria , MEP Elena Yoncheva told BTV. In her words, such debates are held for countries that are in a critical situation . “The European..
The EU has taken economic measures to tackle the effects of the pandemic. Using reserves of the European budget, for example, funds have been allocated and Bulgaria has received about 2.7 billion levs (1.4 billion euros) for emergency spending -..