Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа
Council of Ministers building

Bulgaria to donate 350 medical kits to Ukraine

By a decision of the caretaker government, Bulgaria is to send 350 medical kits of dressing materials to Ukraine to assist the medical care of 35,000 people. The donation comes in response to a request by the Ukrainian side, said caretaker Defence..

21.09.22 18:11 |

La Bulgarie fait don de 350 kits médicaux à l'Ukraine

La Bulgarie fera don à l'Ukraine de 350 kits médicaux de pansements qui peuvent fournir des soins à 35 000 personnes. La décision a été prise aujourd'hui par le cabinet intérimaire. Le don est fait à la demande de la partie ukrainienne, a précisé le..

21.09.22 17:32 |
Димитър Стоянов

Defence Minister: The partial mobilization of the Russian army prolongs the war in Ukraine

There is a risk to Bulgaria's national security, but there is no immediate threat, interim Defense Minister Dimitar Stoyanov stated at a briefing at the Council of Ministers. Commenting on the partial military mobilization announced in Russia, he..

21.09.22 14:13 |
The crash site in Burgas where a bus transporting migrants ploughed into a police car, killing two officers

Action taken to curb illegal human trafficking

After the incident from early this morning when a bus with migrants ploughed into a police car, killing two police officers in Burgas , border security is going to be enhanced. Talking to Nova TV, caretaker Defence Minister Dimitar Stoyanov..

25.08.22 12:18 |

Military personnel are prohibited from using alcohol and drugs while on duty

Minister of Defence Dimitar Stoyanov issued an order prohibiting servicemen from using alcohol and drugs while on duty , "including during classes, drills, exercises, missions and operations". If found in non-compliance, offenders will be removed from..

19.08.22 18:15 |

Interdiction formelle aux militaires bulgares de consommer de l'alcool ou des stupéfiants quand ils sont de service

Par ordre du ministre de la Défense Dimitar Stoyanov il est désormais formellement interdit aux militaires bulgares de consommer de l'alcool ou des stupéfiants quand ils sont de service, "y compris pendant des formations, manœuvres, missions et opérations"...

19.08.22 17:33 |
Caretaker Defence Minister Dimitar Stoyanov

Bulgaria risks being unable to carry air defence combat duty: caretaker defence minister

“There is a risk of Bulgaria’s air force being incapable of carrying combat duty,” said caretaker Defence Minister Dimitar Stoyanov as he presented his team.  “The MIG-29 aircraft will be fit for action until mid-2023. Negotiations are underway..

10.08.22 12:10 |

Gençlerin görüş açısından savaş ve AB'nin geleceği

Her yıl 9 Mayıs'ta kutladığımız Avrupa Günü, bize Fransa Dışişleri Bakanı Robert Schuman'ın 1950'de Avrupa Birliği'nin temellerini atan Bildirgesini hatırlatıyor. Bildirgede temel ilke olarak, Avrupa'da, kıtanın yeni bir savaşa sürüklenmesine izin..

09.05.22 14:23 |
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